Alias Darker

on that i agree with you , they should have taken their time to find the best solution possible for this but on the other hand , Trump promessed he would get rid of Obcare . right now he cannot afford to not do what he said he would do , he has enemies everywhere waiting for him to slip even once to try to burry him .

you can also mock someone that you don't take seriously , then hate that person because they proved how wrong you were in the first lace

From BBC news ( sorry if it's too long)

it must suck repeating lies and hoping they come true

he doesn't GAF that you like him that's for sure, considering that it is not a requirement for his job …
i understand your fear of losing your health care but you should understand that Trump came to fix the mess left by Obama , it will not be fixed overnight and Trump is also working under pressure since he has so

you need truth :)
oh so badly . some truths hurt but in general truth always sets you free

is that all you've got ? really ? i mean come on . do a better job justifying your nastiness and making it acceptable to your sheep upthumbers

but was he universally reviled just over his personality ( that many business men ans political men share today) ? nope . that began with the election

yes they liked money then and they like money now , their "opinion" go where the money is . today the money is in the trump hate wagon . thanks for proving my point

they hated him also because he proved them wrong . they hate to be wrong . they hate having to be exposed as liars

oh please :) you know very well that they mocked him then because they never thought he would make it :)

the fact is , he wasn't treated as he is today :) but he's still the same man he was at the time of these cameos ( he did more than a home alone cameo check youtube) so what changed since then ? oh yeah , the presidential campaign … notice how first they didn't even hate on him , they mocked him . but then the mocking

i'm an , my first language is french . actually me speaking multiple languages helped me get my job . i love the US , i wish more legal immigrants from worldwide weren't stuck for months/years just because of the illegal afflux …
the people who really love this country worldwide re those being stuck , while the

yeah they admired his money and now they hypocritically spit on it :D
all these celebs "hate " trump" because the youth was manipulated into hating him , and you're their financial target , they have no choice then to go with the media on this . right or left america is still america , but there are fearmongers out

the same whiny celebrrities we have today would have boycotted his tv show back then if the media made him seem like he was evil back then . my point . you're all very ridiculous to go after a man who's fighting tooth and nail for your well being . what does he have to gain out of this ? (more) money ? you think he

i think i do , noun, plural Nazis.
a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, which controlled Germany from 1933 to 1945 under Adolf Hitler and advocated totalitarian government, territorial expansion, anti-Semitism, and Aryan supremacy, all these leading directly to World War II and the Holocaust.

after attacking her , sending her treats and trying to demean her , the losers are now trying the false pity technique , LMAO , so pathetic ^^
she's a strong , successful woman married to a strong successful man , she doesn't need pity from a bunch of weak sore losers …i mean

no one likes to admit they've been bullied, lied to and abused by the system . your rage really comes from there , but you're too proud to go after the people who really screwed you over . but even all of you combined are too weak to successfully bully trump . that's how weak you really are . the guy won/

you can start showing your racism now ;)