Alia Moore

She shouldn't have apologized. For one, she didn't actually say anything about the kid. Her guests were the one's who piled on. I, also, didn't see anything wrong with what they said. What they (the Romney family) did was a ploy to garner praise and "i'm not racist" cred. Why is it wrong to point it out? I'm not

1. Apply for and receive job from known shitty employer.

Isn't anyone else kind of rooting for him getting shot on the doorstep of the person he's delivering the painting to, because they felt threatened?

I literally cannot wait until Beyonce finally disappears. I can't think of a more overrated performer - she super irritates me. Ugh. Get over yourself, Beyonce, and get out of my life.

I'm too tired of the Beyonce and Jay Z overload to care.

There's a difference when your Disney pop bullshit is still being sold and marketed to young girls while you're currently revamped into a drugged out, club-hopping, smoking in the school bathroom shithead.

That's the problem with Miley, it's both happening at the same time.

Thanksgiving? Totally should have gone with this. Seriously, is there anything sexier (and appropriately festive) than a perfectly roasted bird? IS THERE?

I feel like stripping the entirety of someone's lower body in one piece is actually a pretty amazing skill.... THAT NO ONE SHOULD EVER HAVE A USE FOR.

Sandwich 299. There's no reason he should miss out on a good sandwich...

Prediction: after eating sandwich #298, Eric tells Stephanie that it's not working, and he wants to see other people. "Other people" turns out to be a 23-year-old Trustafarian conceptual artist who doesn't cook.

Seriously. Does she know there are 365 days in a year?

I've never been so happy to be fat.

I would not date him in a box, I would not date him as a fox.

Black women: This is one less dumbass man we have to deal with! He's doing us a HUGE favor! *victory dance*

I live in the Bible belt (have all my life), and men aren't interpreting ANYTHING. They are taught, very explicitly through church and culture that to be a heterosexual male means that your birthright is knowing what is moral and acceptable, and to legislate it by culture, law and, if need be, violence.

Nooooooooooooooo! Just no. No. NOOOOOOO!

Are the typos in the passages from the actual text or just transcription errors? B/c if it's the former, it's pretty hilarious.