Ali Owens

Hi Johann,

Awesome! Try adding in an extra day and see if you notice a difference. I personally have found people see a significant change if they practice 3+ times per week.

Hi Matt! Yes, I would recommend gentle, restorative or yin yoga to help you stretch out and compliment your gym workouts.


Yes, yoga can help heal diastasis recti. I highly recommend checking in with your local prenatal teacher for some helpful tips. My good friend Chelsea Rothert has a facebook page, Chelsea’s All Things Prenatal, that will be a good resource for you. You can also email her directly for specific exercises to help your


Hi! Yes, of course. I would highly recommend dissecting your downward facing dog, plank and chatturunga. Oftentimes you can build the strength to hold handstand by simply working on the actions throughout the flow.

I understand and have worked with clients with a similar issue. I would highly recommend learning the cause (slip disc, tightness in the piriformis, etc) as the poses that can help alleviate the pain will vary depending on the source of the issue.

From the Yoga Wake Up Developer: We are currently focusing on iOS for the near future but realize the need to include an Android app. Please follow us on Facebook and we’ll update our page as soon as we have a scheduled delivery date for Android.

Hi there!

Hi! You’re doing great, first and foremost. You will see progress in your practice if you make it to your mat more often. That being said, I highly recommend diversifying your workouts and adding in cardiovascular exercise + strength building exercises to keep your body healthy. What kind of yoga are you currently

I would recommend a power, vinyasa or ashtanga practice. These are more rigorous practices that will build heat in the body and help you burn calories.

Hi Ag! Yes, it absolutely can. I recommend consulting with your doctor to find out the cause of the sciatic nerve issues then research which poses can best help to relieve the pain or discomfort.

That’s a great question! Traditionally Yoga was practiced first thing in the morning, but I personally love practicing in the evening as it helps to rinse my day and prepare me for a good night’s sleep. It is really up to you and what feels best for your mind + body.

Hi Lauren, thank you for your question. I hear of these sort of injuries all of the time. For you, a class may not be the best place to begin because you will need to modify for your injury. I recommend taking a gentle yoga class with an experienced teacher or yoga therapist who knows which postures can actually

Hi Andy, I recommend starting with a class if you’re interested in practicing asana. A teacher can be a helpful guide in making sure you’re in healthy alignment and transitioning safely between postures. If you do not have access to a studio, then you can absolutely start at home. There are a ton of useful websites