Allen Gore

6 million forms of communication, mutha-f@&ker!!!

On some level that's true.  (however I will direct your attention to George Clooney on that one).  Still, I think in the very least we should give him and WB/DC the benefit of the doubt. posted an interesting thing…they posted all the forum responses right after Heath Ledger was cast as Joker - and it was a

Make no mistake, this is in response to Marvel having a heavy actor anchor like Robert Downie Jr.  DC and WB have to put asses in seats - this is definitely one way to do it!

Who cares?  Apparently you do to take the time out of your oh-so-important life to make a pointless comment like that.

Wow the internet is filled with bitchy, whiny, babies.  Afleck is a great choice…isn't not like you're making the movie anyway.  Everyone on this forum is just sitting on their ass complaining.  He's proven himself as an actor, director, screenplay writer.

They forgot Planet of the Apes.  Yes technically they were movies, but it did also have a live-action TV series as well, then the cartoon.

Actually you're wrong.  First off, it was told in the radio dramas of the 40's, then it was told in the 70's with the Donner movies, then it was told and retold in the comics, then it was told for 10 years on Smallville, then DC went back and rewrote the origins story as the new official canon…

Speaker of truths!!!

While I appreciate the in-depth article and second look at Superman Returns - I still don't think it holds up at all as a good movie.