
"a group of super-churchy local NAACP hack types"

He retired with something like $100,000 pension; and his wife still works for the city or county. His wife may have worked with Mangum in social services before the rape case; and Nifong handled a case involving the Mangum family before the rape case; so they were not strangers. There are a lot of connections which

The players were told there would be no media present; instead, police locked the doors to the building and alerted the media, which was waiting. So the players were forced to mill about outside, in full view of the cameras. Their attorneys then told them to cover their faces— for security reasons, among other things

"And how do you know she lied about the broomstick comment?"

She had a long history of making false accusations. The lacrosse case was her SECOND instance of claiming to have been gang-raped by three men. (How many times in a lifetime does one get gang-raped by three men?)

Note: during the suits a fraudulent tax lien was placed on one of the players, asserting he owed $6 million in back taxes. That lien was phony (and the officials who signed off on it ought to have been fired, but of course they were not).

The ultra-left wing judge presiding over their cases stalled for three years; denied the taking of testimony during that time (during which two witnesses died); and finally gutted their cases by ruling that federal civil rights laws apply only to persons of African descent (and not whites, latinos, native-americans,