Al Frente

Yeah. While residents of Texas may be Texans, residents of Hawai'i are _not_ "Hawaiians." Native Hawaiians are Hawaiians; the rest of us are residents of Hawai'i. It's a minefield, don't go there.

"Bill is dead." I'm a Hawai'i resident. I sent an email to my representative earlier this AM — he just wrote back saying simply that. Everyone can relax now.

I first saw the A-class in London in 2000 and instantly wanted one. This baby costs way less than my Fit, and it's a diesel! Where's the link again?

It looks like the hula-hooper spontaneously combusted.

The one time I drove the Cross-Bronx Expressway, I saw a dropped tranny by the side of the road.

@kirby822: Spatchcocking always brings a smile to my face.

The Mercedes-Benz S500 LWB was still in use in 2005, as I saw "Il Papa" in it. I took a picture.

@Murilee, thanks for posting these - they were fun to collect. I'm glad everyone's enjoying them.

True story: Cousin's husband (EMT) was returning from a patient transfer in an ambulance, and stopped at a disabled vehicle. Parked. Got out to assist.

Your alma mater, eh? I didn't know you went to Princeton!