
He has pale green/blue eyes.

I think the show is great because it can spin truly new stories with the same foundational character bests. That Krieger plot was gorgeous and poignant and I didn't miss the jokes at all. I know it's just my opinion, but I've been very impressed by the gravitas this show has been able to wring out of what started as a

This is a pretty creative idea! Nice work!

I appreciate the insight. I sincerely don't know how I missed the resemblance. I assumed the picture was Arnold and Ford, and then suddenly Bernard in the middle. But that didn't really make a ton of make either, as Ford repeatedly stated that Bernard was built after Arnold's death.

Wow really? I completely missed the resemblance! Am I a host? That didn't look like anything to me…

[To avoid future replies I've added this disclaimer that I have simply been operating under the misconception of who the guy in the black vest was. I didn't realize that was a CGI render of young Anthony Hopkins.]

I've been thinking more about the interaction between the two guests. I think that's more important than I realized when first watching the episode. I think it reflects the point of Westworld, the theme park… We have two people taking up the opportunity to fulfill their ultimate desires in the wild west. As beema puts

That scene lasted all of 3 minutes, in my recollection, and it IS the catalyst that informs Bruce Wayne's decision to become a vigilante. Also, in BvS, the death of the Waynes was presented as an on-going, quasi-waking nightmare, rather than simply a simply a memory of an event. I think it was meant to supply some

Alright you've sold me! I'll pop it in over the weekend!

Yeah I bet it's worth the time. I'll give it a second shot. I just wish everything felt more distinctive. It really felt, much of the time, like FROM looked at the Lost Sinner fight from DS2 and made a whole game out of it. More darkness, everyone flies around too quickly for their size and the enemy weapons have no

You probably have a point. After Rise of Iron loses its shine maybe I'll take a second look at Dark Souls 3. I really wanted to love it. I tend to disagree with you about Dark Souls 2. That game didn't feel bland to me at all. In fact, that game's distinct atmospheric qualities are what I think are missing from Dark

I agree with psib. Every environment felt roughly the same, through some cathedral and or catecombs. Muted colors, all gray, green and brown with no sky. A grainy quality to everything that actually caused eye staring when I looked at the screen. Even the enemies all felt sort of the same. After dropping 1500 hours

Aw darling you seem angry. Get some rest! You'll feel more chipper in the morning! Then you can go to the movies to be with the people!

Hahaha you should write another 800 word poem to me after you look up the word pedantic. :*

You're being a bit of a buzzkill! Uhoh!

Okay so 31.5%, not 1/3. That's a pedantic distinction. I don't care what movies people don't like. I shan't be a buzzkill. Enjoy reading and rereading this fine piece.

1/3 of the movie staff offered up a hate watch? That's miserable.

I'm slightly dismayed by the negative slant of this post. Ho many of your staff revel in hating things? That seems so miserable.

What is the value of the D+ grade? What's the difference between a D+ and a D, and what would constitute a D-? Is a D in a review the equivalent of a D on an exam? Does that mean this movie passes? Woudn't that mean a D+ is a recommendation?