Alfred Day

Or alternatively, she could play Randall's mother.

As long as we all remember . . . Hooch, is crazy!

There have been several characters called Clayface and Basil Karlo was the first. He was mostly an actor who used makeup as disguises. Matt Hagen was the first of the mud monster Clayfaces.

I memorized that whole sequence too! I thought I was the only weird kid in the world who did that sort of thing!

The Anselmo Case was never solved.

212? That's not even as many comics as I read in a month!

There are a lot of comments so someone may have pointed this out already, but Deadman's first appearance was waaaay before that Batman Adventures issue. He's been around since Strange Adventures #205 in 1967 and has had a LOT of appearances ever since. The comic book nerd in me couldn't let it go.

I liked the episode, but I couldn't get over the fact that it seemed they must have had one day to film with Brian Van Holt as they limited him to just interacting with Andy and Grayson for the most part. Most telling in the birth scene where at no point is he seen in a shot with the whole group. Reminded me of that

Is there a sentence fragment at the end of the first paragraph? Her biological brother what?

New Harrison Wells Theory: He's Vandal Savage

Clark Kent is going back to the Daily Bugle? I'm not sure if J.Jonah Jameson knows about this?

Any restaurant in the Way Station from Defending Your Life. You can eat as much as you want an never gain a pound and everything you eat is the best thing you've ever tasted. Just stay away from the locals food.

I would love to see a southern version of the Thin Man with Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton.

Notes from a guy who's read a lot of Green Arrow Comic Books: