
Israel is the loud drunk friend at the bar that runs their mouth, starts fights, and runs up an outrageous tab and then turns the United States their big strong friend and expects us to always have their back. It was refreshing to see an administration stop letting them have their way but with the Great Pumpkin’s

Gagliardi’s retelling was and will be THE drunk Hamilton story.

Natalie was swept away by motherhood,” he writes. “It was a total home run for her. She was devoted to our girls.”

And here I have another letter from the Papi, Big Papi.

The moment the pussy grabber became the grabbed pussy.

Toby is Negan, he had a Lucille but he kept trying to chew it

Toby is Negan, he had a Lucille but he kept trying to chew it.

It was just amazing to WITNESS Lebron receive his first ship ring last night. Only 5 more to match Jordan. Too bad he pretends he never played in Miami and Cleveland pretends they weren’t this.


I love Jellystone. I got my first handjob at a Jellystone campground in Natural Bridge, Virginia when I was 13.

I may be in the minority but I think Jags guy was attempting to wipe away a bagel in the toaster and tried to play it off as a dumbfounded response to the play on the field.

The Funky Bunch alerted me about Charles Stuart.

The bombing of Pan Am flight 103. It fucked with my young mind being right before Christmas and the fact that it taught me that if anything happened on an airplane while in flight, you were most likely fucked.