

I couldn’t agree with you more. He even gets paid to write this drivel, as if his opinion actually matters.


Not having the Corps of Engineers involved is actually a plus; they fail miserably when it comes to contract oversight and management.

I suppose it’s relevant if you’re Scott Pruitt, or perhaps if you work at Chipotle :)

What does President Trump commenting on the recovery efforts have to do with this? Are people really so totally ignorant that they think FEMA just snaps a finger and everything is like it was before the hurricane? Our education system must really be failing if adults lack such basic knowledge and reasoning ability.

Matt, you’re not very bright, are you?

An article defending an empty barrel, written by an empty barrel. Shame on you for not remembering who defends your freedoms and for not knowing you should honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

Protesting administration police by kneeling during the national anthem is like complaining in Walmart about a bad burger from Burger King.

So let me get this right. There’s a crack in the big ass display? Who would have guessed?

Ok, the first suggestion about the deflector made sense but now we’re just spouting technobabble :)

Maybe Gizmodo should start moderating to filter out racist postings like yours??

Surely Planned Parenthood isn’t embarrassed or ashamed of what they did??!! Even given the striking similarities with some of the more vile things done by the Nazis and the Japanese during WWII?? Or maybe they realize how sick and twisted they are and never expected they would be exposed?

What about an article about how all people can fight all supremacy? As a white man I’ve been subjected to racist behavior by non-whites. Maybe a lot of people don’t realize the discrimination isn’t just one particular group discriminating at another particular group?

I don’t understand the logic of this article. Does the author mean to imply that political contributions from an organization that is dedicated to preserving and protecting one of the amendments to our Constitution were used to purchase weapons for an insane man to use in a horrifying attack?

Your statement about conservatives is pretty general. I am conservative, I own and an very proficient (and safe) with firearms, and I’ve played a role in bringing many of the internet technologies we all rely on every day into common use. I’m not claiming to have created the internet, but I’ve certainly played a role

It’s becoming frightfully easy for uninformed individuals like Adam to write and publish articles without fully understanding the topics he writes about.

To be fair we don’t know for certain that Tom engages in intimate relations. The other part stands on its own, however.