
Bless you, Nick.

Secret Santa says “Bless you, Nick.”

Strange. I flipped the first card over and it said “Bless you, Nick.”

Bless you, Nick.

I’m looking forward to the companion article “The Black’s Guide to Caucasian Thanksgiving, Part 1: The Guest List” to show that the author isn’t racist?

Why are there so many Volvo’s in your butt??

I’m game; I’ll give it a try.

I’m game; I’ll give it a try.

Racist bullshit.

I recommend a fourth ingredient - a heading cup full of “bless you, Nick”.

“now I’m ready to go find a cave somewhere and hide”.... “It makes me want to cry”.... “It makes me so sad inside”.... Grow up.

Starting my day 15 minutes earlier gives me time for things like saying “bless you, Nick”.

My best DC hack is to simply say “Bless you, Nick”.

The Department of Motor Vehicles is where I renew my license and register my cars.

Turnip brain? C’Mon, don’t be so hard on yourself.

Lol! So true!

I was just about to ask where to find the apps to find white-owned, Asian-owned, Indian-owned (both kinds of Indians :)) and Eskimo-owned businesses.

Alfred uses an automated sneeze response generator. Whenever it detects a sneeze it generates a message like “Bless you, Nick”.

One of my personal favorites is the one that automatically sends “Bless you, Nick” messages.

“Trump even went so far as to repeal the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program”, and he was absolutely correct in doing so. His predecessor had a penchant for issuing executive orders that were outside of the authority he had (according to our Constitution, which still is the supreme law of our