Alf Pogs


I just finished season three of the pretty-mundane EPISODES, and he was the shining light as an out-and-out crazy boss. Also his very brief one-off Hannibal appearance was delightful.

Chris Diamantopolous should be on postage stamps. He is the best.

Good episode, with a really really great challenge. Good job whoever wrote those songs!

At this stage I honestly really hope this is going to be a four-season arc in which Bertie finds true love and leaves these bozos behind

I don't think the Team Gus Team Micky thing holds up. Gus certainly has his fair share of blame, but Micky has a bit as well. Mainly what bummed me out in the back half of this season is that there's no screentime devoted to Micky continuing to attend SLAA. She's making huge strides in AA and proving that she can get

Bizarrely, while I find Maria's circumstances to always be far more dire than Gus and Micky's woes, it's also about ten thousand percent more cheerful.

the new model

if only! if only die antwoord were allowed to shit up the alien universe, as well as our own!

This looks like it'll probably scratch a Bloodborne itch

Wait when does this show go into B- territory??

Hahaha I had forgot I preordered this ages ago like an idiot, this is the best midweek surprise I've had in ages

strong agree

Richard Jenkins in an ongoing TV role basically is the best news ever

Dourif, an absolute legend. One of the most horrifying vocal performances is in Alien: Ressurection, his mad scientist rambling on about the beauty of what he's created. Nightmarish!

I feel a little guilty for how much I enjoy this show; I agree that the hamfisted-ness gives it this sort of sincerity that I really like. Also enjoying Kiefer's performance a lot; I never watched past S1 of 24 so it makes me want to dig into that.

Awesome, that is who I was trying to think of.

Forget these musty old antics, when's Norm Macdonald's book coming out?

Agreed with this; it reminds me of some of Graham Greene's novels. Every character is a failure in their own way and we sort of find ourselves ranking them against one another.

If there is a police officer more extreme and happy to murder children on his way to Escobar, my nerves probably can't take it