Alferd Packer

Yeah. To give Hughes his dues, his reviews aren’t all pooh poohs.

Lisa needs braces.

Hard (well, soft) pass from me. I’m British so I already know what a revolting flabby body looks like, thank you.

Lisa needs braces.

Flying doctors, no less.

Thanks a lot, Carl. Now I’ve lost my train of thought.

Dental plan!

That would be hard cheese (for a hard journey).

I wonder if that’s the approach they’ll take. Abed casting most of his old chums in a movie about Greendale. So if Magnitude is played by someone else it’s because he is being played by someone else.

Dental plan!

Dental plan!

Yes, of course. But FGM is a fucking nightmare and should definitely be illegal (as it is). Outlawing circumcision is a step too far in my opinion because sometimes (rarely) it is necessary.

Well, it was better than the alternative. I’m only saying that making a necessary medical procedure “outlawed” is not a great way to go.

Suicide Squad (the good one) and Peacemaker too?

Outlawed? I had to have mine nipped off for medical reasons.

Next time I do something stupid I will tell the judge I was on drugs and not in my right mind. Should be fine.

We were shown this film in high-school. I guess things were still different in the early 90s :/

I rather liked the live-action Cowboy Be-Bop. Horrific?

Len Wiseman directing Ana deArmas though...