Alferd Packer

That’s true. Sadly true.

No thanks.

Do they know something that the courts should be told? I guess you can be fired for no reason in the US but why not wait until they find out if he’s guilty?

I want more Sealab.

They had to make special little Tom Cruise sized hurdles for him.

My cousin was run over by a piste basher which he didn’t see in a blizzard. So... that kind of idiot :)

That’s why I watch porn with big, ugly, hairy women.

Incredibles 2?

I’m still not totally convinced that isn’t Paul Rust on the right.

I’m at the point where I would swap my career for getting stoned and working at a mall. He might be happier.

Not disagreeing with anything you say but I wonder if “there are significantly fewer people attempting to become plumbers than become famouscan be true.

Yes, yes, and I can fiddle with my penis.

Totally agree. Very funny imagining The Rock in a lot of those scenes. Like... can The Rock even cry?

God, The Rundown is so good! And you have Walken and Scott killing it as well. Watched it again over Christmas.

That it’s a take on another (far more nuanced) commenter’s fake name is particularly strange.


All good choices apart from Toms Hardy and Holland. Great actors but I don’t see them playing Bond.

I’ll do it. I’ve been in my current role for 17 years.

Well, they can’t do what they want, can they? They want to get married and adopt children.

The Court’s holding is limited to representations as to whether an actress or scene is in the movie, and nothing else,