
I lliked it a llot!!

His performance in My Space Dinner with Andre was almost entirely just nodding reaction shots.

Ewok-enings was "El Dopa" indeed!

But there will still be five different Hope Floatso action figures

Stick another turtle on the fire, you get all the turtles you can eat in heaven.

*poot* Safety!

The press shots for his last special looked like Ellen's sister.

But the winning team was named for the more passive member of a hairy gay couple, progressive!

If Bob Dylan watched this he might say "hyewww"

My parapets was mad crenelated yo!

I recommend the essay about LEGO in Michael Chabon's Manhood for Amateurs #readmoreaboutit

The audiobook is narrated my Mia Farrow, it's practically the screenplay plus descriptive passages.

Evan McMarriageisforonepenisandonevagina

He looks like he would hunt that Radiohead bear

Vitamin Beyotch

I got HepHepHepatitis from too much ska in the 90's.

This is the worst Doors song ever

The Trivago guy stole it.

It's like that Johnathon Richmond song about the Astro-Plane.

Mickey Rooney die too soon, he so solly!