Alf Lenni Erlandsen

And... no it doesnt look like it was drawn by kids. It looks like it was drawn by adults failing to make it look like it was kids. As i see it, its far to clean looking.

Yeah, giz whats up with that? Get with the times! Sneakers is the king of hacker movies and even way more realistic.

Im interested, you serious?. Write me at baandoptager {at} hotmail {dot} com, if you are.


Now playing

I dont think the playbook will be dropped, not after they given The Astonishing Tribe some more power with Cascades. The stuff they presented last month was mindblowing seriously, this really made me want the playbook. And to judge from the designs, TAT are deeply involved in the mail aswell. Seriously everyone,

Funny that you guys at giz finds this "Death Metal". Is that the link to tech? That you don't know how to use the internet to get better knowledge of music?

Reaaachhhhinggg! Faaaar streeeetcchhhh!

High Tech Computer, the most lame name ever!

Its not a magic trick, the stick are slightly curved, like hair snaps for girls. So when you pop one, it triggers massive waves of pops....

What a lame headline...... Writers and director predicted this eons before '87... Arghh Gizmodo.

I'm stocking up on Zunes, don't wanna live witout them for the rest of my life, besides the changes in the WP7 Zune player is downright stupid, media controls are way up in the top... yeah like i want them there if my screen is 4 inches.

Well another thing that differentiates us from animals, is that we're omnivores because we were meant to adapt, not eat ourselves out of home, body and life. That's why we have brains, so we can use our "common" sense to adapt.

I'm a Vegetarian almost vegan, been so for 14 years. I never liked Peta, they're just as lame as any other organization. Though i can see the partial fun in this ad, it's not intelligent, but it appeas to the mainstream so..... . The dood got his legs bit off, so what.... Peta ain't saying that the shark did it

So you're saying that just because something is there, we should eat it? Just to inform you, the problem isn't that a chicken lays an egg or a cow gives birth and milk. The problem is how many there are doing it. I live in Denmark and here there are 5.6 million people. Our country produces 300 million creatures every

I'm really starting to not enjoy Gizmodo, i know you didnt make this figurine. But stating you want a statue etc. along the fact that you do promote this figurine so happily, is vulgar. I did notice a trend of of more frequent shittier fast posts... but this tops all.

The cases were meant for the HTC titan. :)

I would dare to say that alot of people who buy Apple products are willing to enrole in debt in order to get it, one of the reasons why our planet is so financially fucked. We got teens in Denmark signing up for almost 1500 euro total plans just so they can get an iphone without paying when they pick it up.

No theyre not! Quote from the "concept" site: Does Mozilla have plans to produce a mobile phone? No. Mozilla produces Firefox for Mobile.

Just searched for Round Logo on google and this one came up. Thats much closer to the SE logo, so maybe they should sue them.