Just ran into my garage to fix this and to my bewilderment realized that I don't own a porsche.
Just ran into my garage to fix this and to my bewilderment realized that I don't own a porsche.
This car is the most handsome among the series of abominations that is this nascent class. That’s not saying much, they should still all be driven rigorously and off-roadedly up to the caldera of an active volcano and tipped inside.
asshatmobile is pointlessly destroying the environment
This is a better box on a skateboard
My favorite part is when the bed of the AXL rose. All the rock poured out.
Track owners have renamed that portion of the course, Schadenfreude Corner.
According to this other article on the front page, “The Feds want you to be able to pick your fake sounds.” Make mine a Mazda 787B, please! If I’ve got to wake up early in the morning to go to work, why shouldn’t everybody else in a three-block radius around my house?
Are... are they just fucking with us?
It’s gonna get T-Boned on it’s first night drive, I guarantee it
It’s a nice Discovery.
Based on the above, it appears Mercedes may be attempting to do the world a favor and kill all those who pick the illuminated star.
Bold of you to assume I have a significant other!
I too rise barely an inch when activated.
To me Leo is the worst offender. He’s made being an eco-warrior a part of his brand. Yet he’s constantly seen flying by private jet to party on a yacht with a bunch of friends and 20 year old supermodels. Environmental issues are a safe cause for rich white celebrities. You don’t have to interact with impoverished…
That’s a shitload of downforce.
You could have had a C8!
Joule thief!
To see if you missed anybody?