
Adele certainly has a “deer in the headlights” look in that pic, and her performance was bad, but that woman can sing.

So does that mean I can ball my hands into a fist while I listen to the bs circle-jerk company line? Hot damn!

Jesus. That’s horrifying.

He really seemed like a nice guy and was apparently some sort of computer programming genius, but my god. Kind of takes “oversharing” to a whole new level...

When, on your first date, the guy tells you “The best skin to be in is the skin of your kin” and you find out he isn’t kidding. Yeah, that might be a red flag.

“First of all, anyone who can even joke, if it was a joke, about hell?”

“...thinks all of the pipes can be replaced over the next year “under optimal conditions.”

Thank you for making me giggle. :)

“They made a business decision to remove a single question that was actually beyond creepy to begin with.”


+1 for “shizzle” :)

“I have deleted social media accounts before and failed to mention it to anyone. Just imagine that.”

Yeah, I’ve heard too many stories over the years. Gotta be some kind of fire in all that smoke....

I believe the bodies from the original Roswell crash were taken to Wright-Patterson AFB.

Of course you aren’t. You’re way more vile than Satan.

Yep. It’s amazing to me what gets published these days. I have read (or attempted to read) some of the most god-awful e-books. It’s truly amazing. Just because you can doesn’t necessarily mean you should.

bbq ribs. yum! (tastes like pork y’all)

Thanks for this! Exactly what I’ve been looking for. (Sorry Patrick)

I don’t blame you.