Alex The Petrolhead

I think the OP was stating that the center of gravity is low, not the overall weight but where the weight is located in the car.  Since the battery and motor are at the bottom of the vehicle the majority of the weight is below the belt line.

Selling poor people an unsafe, rusty, badly built car with horrible parts and service support is actually worth mocking.

In Korea, sedans are still an enormous part of the market. The crossover menace hasn’t really taken place there, so it makes sense for Hyundai to do it.

This car represents all the bad of the 2010s wrapped into one unappealing package.

Things have changed so much. Now it’s the college’s leaders who silence opposing viewpoints. Perhaps people like Mike Fye grew up to be college leaders...

“...we believed in free speech.”

Indeed. Look at that “Splinter” shit that calls itself “journalism”. Or the HuffPo, Breitbart, I could go on and on.

I think this is a good thing, is one of my favorite feats of modern turbocharging you can have your cake and eat your smooth power band at the same time.

At least the reporting is objective and unbiased though.

I’ll take mine in 1999 and AWD turbo form, please.

Soo...yea...not true. I hate the idea of slavery on multiple levels, but this is a straight up lie. When Europeans landed in Africa, they pretty much took advantage of a system that was already in place. Yes, we cranked it to 11 with little regard for anything but profit and efficiency as we are wont to do, but we

immigrants are legal. Illegal aliens are breaking the law. People didn’t like the word alien, so they changed it to immigrant because PC principal got his feelings hurt. If you want to sneak across the border to Mexico, you aren’t immigrating. I think many European countries are still taking in people who just


Another fucking idiot, if they are illegal and have no documents they are not paying taxes ffs quit believing everything CNN tells you. fucking retards,.

I remember when jalonik used to be about cars

Give up now. Gawker is way too left for this sort of rational discussion.

You missed that “no people are illegal” or all that happy horse poop.

There is a large left leaning segment of government which does not respect America or her laws. They don’t see the need to follow our laws or how setting a double standard hurts us as a country.

You nor I expect to find sanctuary in France, Italy,

This is a country of laws. Our freedoms exist because of those law are enforced, we can not pick and choose which laws we enforce to suit our current mood.

If they chose to not respect Federal law all Federal funding should be stripped from them and any city/state organizations who support their defiance.

Do you not

I’m not sure how this necessarily makes sense. The key word I see here is “illegal” immigrants. I have no problem with people who want to immigrate to the US. I have a problem with people bypassing the system and taking advantage of government resources without the government knowing they are here. Does any other

I have family and friends who ride BART to work every day, and they are not pleased with how crowded it has become - especially since there’s been an influx of transients and beggars.