Its not the best looker imo but a new Golf R runs about $45k
Its not the best looker imo but a new Golf R runs about $45k
it reads like a plot from F&F franchise, cars are “burning down” meanwhile there’s a crew in a submarine exchanging them from under the ship
I too feel on fire when I have too much Cayenne
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The average Florida Man ain’t able to buy this. They’ve got a 1988 GMC Jimmy with no taillights.
Was this lawyer’s name Saul by chance?
It looks so much like a comedy sketch! The next scene would be him trying to cut a steak with a knife and fork in the passenger’s seat. It’s so unfortunate that stupid people who only care about themselves tend to take others down with them when they fail.
A “well-caffeinated commuter box” (brilliant and perfect description) is exactly what the GTI has always been intended to be, no more, no less. And it does that better than anything else on the planet. If you had more expectations than that, that is your problem, not VWs.
Youre very dumb.
“97 percent of its salaried and non-union workforce in the U.S.”
If people had actually gotten vaccinated when the shot was made available, the variants may never have happened at all.
Boy, Tim sure seems concerned. Way to be a human Tim.
No, the Swedish supercar manufacturer isn’t tuning Teslas, but it’s now making carbon dress-up parts — and they aren’t as expensive as you’d think.
Tires. All day, every day.
I’m sure if your name is Brandon, he’d be happy to see you.
This was very much a model that dickheads preferred. The car has undoubtedly been thrashed, likely smoked in, and frankly I’d be weary of bodily fluids.
For fuxsake, “Pay it forward” at place where moderately affluent people order overpriced coffee from the comfort of their large SUV sounds comically pretentious and tone deaf, even during a time where virtue signalling for sport is common place.
Am I the only one to admit I clicked for the pic?
dude you forgot the best one... the CHILI TAG