
Exactly what was stupid about that. He just pointed out the double standard.

Being accused a pedophile and being confirmed a pedophile are two completely different things. I am so tired of hearing about this story when it all comes down to a he said she said scenario and there are no facts yet people talk about this guy like he gave their niece a rub down. Im not saying these women are

Why is it that having a problem with something these people are doing, no matter what it is, automatically makes you a racist bigot. I know they are out there but not everyone with a different viewpoint is your enemy. If people would just sit down and have a decent conversation instead of pointing fingers we might be

Im pretty sure his argument was if the other movie came out later than the one they are addressing, how was it possible to get inspiration from it. The logic behind that question makes sence in that you cant be influenced by something that hasnt happened yet. I suppose if they were both in production at the same time

Then please explain how not being oppressed more than another group makes it different. Because from our view, we are being oppressed by this sexist term.

Who said anything about violence? He just painted some stuff on a wall. Besides you people have no reason to believe he was trying to get black lives matter in trouble, your just assuming that because hes a white “Confederate”. He might actually support them for all you know and your trying to penalize him for it. He