Do you mean recent as in 100 years, recent as in 50 years, armed conflicts as in ones the US is involved in, armed conflicts as in the ones the US admits to being involved in...?
Do you mean recent as in 100 years, recent as in 50 years, armed conflicts as in ones the US is involved in, armed conflicts as in the ones the US admits to being involved in...?
*looks at my 502 hours played in Crusader Kings*
It means ya basic. You are so very basic.
Yeah these artists are now free from the burden of... pursuing art as a career
The ethically dubious thing about AI art specifically is that it’s trained on images that are stolen from artists without their knowledge or permission. It’s like money laundering, but for art. In fact you’re right, it’s not ethically dubious, it’s uneqivocally immoral, and should be illegal.
The article cites artists who’ve found themselves pushed out of work by AI, and since our ability to eat and have a roof over our heads is (unfortunately) tied to said work, this means AI has directly endagered their ability to survive.
you mean free people up to pursue a career in something fulfilling that they might actually enjoy, such as art?
This! It’s the normal outcome of automation. The problem isn’t AI, the problem is that we don’t have UBI. If we’d take the productivity gain for the next 10-20 years and share it as UBI, all the concerns that would be left are actually AI specific in the vein of Eliezer Yudkowsky’s warnings about AI killing us. The AI…
Yeah, because past inventions and productivity increases ALWAYS free human beings up to do more interesting work or have more free time, right?
Are you out of your fucking mind?
Actually, CGI has done massive damage to the moviemaking industry. So many little stupid things get CGI’d, like having an actor hold a stick and then CGIing in a gun later because it’s cheaper to pay a graphics sweatshop to add in a gun than it is to pay a unionized prop manager. Actors having to try to portray nearly …
“There is literally nothing ethically dubious about artificial intelligence.”
Just needs to be expanded slightly to ‘As a consumer, I hope there is properly compensated and respected human labor behind my purchase’
Honestly, I think that these problems were already there in season 2. As Filoni’s influence has grown, it’s become a more incestuous world, spending lots of time bringing back his pet characters, instead of forging ahead with its own story. That said, I did think season 1 was a bit overrated too — not bad, pretty good…
I’d argue that most of the complaints about Mando’s third season stem from the fact that it’s gone from a side story set in the shadows of the Star Wars universe to the future of the franchise in a few short years. It’s now the show you watch to see what’s happening in the galaxy’s centers of power in the years…
“Add back in Mando’s two Book of Boba Fett episodes and you got a full season again.”
There is a very long history of people with terrible taste in films hating film reviews.
Maybe over-correcting for years of heaping praise on mediocre stuff. I watched more than a few movies on GL’s recommendation before I learned that his measure of ‘good’ wasn’t congruent with mine.
Manchildren lose their shit at negative review of crappy film.
You could really tell how generic of a zombie show TLOU was going to be when they had that fantastic Gay Sundance Film as episode 3.