
But games? To the execs of a large company they’re just fucking slot machines.

Dear Kotaku, if you are not going to include accessibility options in your videos (i.e. subtitles) can you, at the very least, provide a transcript? I’d ask this any time of the year but it feels especially egregious that this didn’t occur to anyone this week.

You know, sometimes I wish I did a little more with my life instead of hanging out in front of places selling weed and shit. Like, maybe be an animal doctor. Why not me? I like seals and shit. Or maybe an astronaut. Yeah. Like, be the first motherfucker to see a new galaxy, or find a new alien lifeform... and

If you just give them this space uncontested, you’re just giving them exactly what they want, and buying their narrative that they’re relevant.

Probably to say the same shit that the crypturd commenters here do, that our simple minds just don’t comprehend the awesomeness of the technology and the future awesomeness it could be capable of

My guess is silencing the thing. From the tone in the article, it feels to me like the crypto idiots actually thought they had bought legitimacy by helping sponsoring the event, and only found out the organizers didn’t give a damn about them when they were stopped by said organizers.

No one can quite seem to make sense of GameStop’s current business strategy, least of all its pivot to crypto.”


You’ve mostly missed out on in-game loot and cosmetics. The actual games get absolutely buried among the alerts about outfits and gun skins. That said, there have been some occasional gems.

The reasoning may be different, but Bungie definitely archived off a load of content people likely paid money for, with no way to access it, for no obvious ‘reason’ other than they weren’t given resources to continue to support it, which either says ‘our product is badly written and the only staff who wrote the code

Lol who cares? He’s a useless hateful idiot who deserves to be mocked into an early grave.

Honestly though, and this is controversial, even to myself... but fuck privacy on the internet.

I think the inherent disconnect between a person and their online identity is what allows the awful behavior all over the internet to thrive. If I could rewrite the entire internet, every single user would have a “photo ID”

C’mon, let’s not use the r-word, dude.

I work in marketing, and this is absolutely either a raw-metrics strategy (i.e. whoever looks at the numbers only cares that the line goes up, not what’s done to make it happen) or an afterthought as part of the package deal EA signed with some ad agency, who in turn assigned it to the intern.

I don’t like (thing)>(New Thing I don’t like) must be because of the SJWs, the other thing I don’t like!>(New thing) is here to destroy my way of life and must be destroyed in turn, it’s the right thing to do!

Remember when Leigh Alexander posted her great “Gamers are Over” piece all those years ago and a bunch of shitheads lost their mind? I think about that a lot.

It certainly speaks to how much right-wing politics is a culture war rather than a consideration of actual issues.

It certainly speaks to how much right-wing politics is a culture war rather than a consideration of actual issues. People are kicking off because they associate a vague art style with tumblr or some shit. The reactionary right is so goddamn shallow.

I wanted the art in Return to Monkey Island to be provocative, shocking, and not what everyone was expecting.”

just when i wanted to say, whatever you do dont make it a leftist multiculti gender bs, i saw this ill graphic style.