
Considering how long it took for 3.0 to get released in America, I could probably pirate this one, serve my prison sentence, and still get out before the English version releases here.

Jeff, thank you so much for sharing. Anybody else?

Cheers, streamers. I was hoping creators on the platform would push back on this and get these taken off.

shit like this is why people don’t take us liberals seriously...

Yep. The actual chain of events here is pretty much “somebody decides what they want in the game, which is another sexy lady to ogle, and then they come up with Lore(tm) to justify the sexiness, and then nerds who also want sexy ladies to ogle will use the lore to justify the presence of the sexy ladies they’re ogling,

i hear the “modders do this” in my entire career in game dev and it drives me nuts. it fails to understand the situational and systemi nature of game development. everything modders do are hacks.


I guess it’s technically possible that they thought:

—what if the sexy-voiced robot got a body


—what if that body was hawt

but like... *Gestures vaguely at stylistic and artistic changes not only in ME2 but in all Bioware properties around that time, then gestures at the game industry as a whole from that

Poor WSB. They were, like, halfway there when it came to understanding why Wall Street is a rigged system that fucks over anyone who isn’t a billionaire, but then they decided that the solution was to suck up to other billionaires who weren’t actively fucking them over specifically at that moment.

dude. That sub is edgelord as fuck.  Unless calling each other retards and “smooth brain” doesn’t count.

I think what a lot of people don't understand is that Gamestop didn't see any of the funds from this. They didn't issue new stock (that I'm aware of) so everything was resold at higher prices then gamestop originally issues for...which is enormously ironic given their business model.

The fact that we placed the entire world market on a betting scheme is kinda messed up, good thing we didn’t actually do that. The stock market is bound to pop like that. But there are other more safe investments like bonds that keep countries, grants, and projects afloat.

What this tells me is we need to tax the rich WAAAAAAY fucking harder.

I work at a local game store and there are so many people trying to offload their pokemon singles. These people are in for a rude awakening when they find out the value of their cards mean nothing if no one buys them. We don’t buy pokemon cards, but we sell a lot of sealed product that disappear immediately to people

Someone voicing an opinion on a video game site that you disagree with is how a wannabe fascist got into power?

Yeah, people looking at their society’s cultural output from a perspective outside their western colonialist worldview is definitely why Donald Trump is the president. It’s not at all because of self-proclaimed “western chauvantists” and their complete inability to do that, no sir.

I love the Indiana Jones films. They have been embedded into my memory from a young age. I’ll sit down and watch any of the films. They are fun and witty, and they have one of the most winsome heroes in cinema and bad guys I love to hate.

No-one is taking up pitchforks about it, but yeah much like Tomb Raider it kind of sucks to glorify travelling to other (usually poorer and non-white) countries, steal their artifacts of cultural and historical significance (often from grave sites) just to put them in your museum to be gawped at by white folks.


Publishers have always been wary of new IPs, and for good reason.

Yeah. It’s easy to look at the N64 and PSX and see year-2000 Nintendo as failing, but that’s not the whole story. Nintendo also had complete dominance of the handheld market and near infinite Pokemon merchandising money. They didn’t need Microsoft’s hilariously low offer.

if they align with how you would really act if it was real. And then how those reflect back at you.