
You know how many people I tell that to when they bring in their collection they kept in their pockets as a kid? I HAVE A CHARIZARD they scream and I tell them to 1. put a mask on and 2. understand that it isn’t worth anything once its been through the washing machine.

Seriously I am so tired of this (and I manage a tabletop game store). The hype is legitimately unreal.
These streamers are often pricing off of graded edge cases. Most cards out of pack are around the 7-8 PSA range. It is insanely easy to damage early generation pokemon cards, the holos are often damaged in the pack

So you’re saying that he massively increased the national debt, nearly tripling it (the third largest increase by percentage, topped by Wilson who was dealing with WWI, and FDR, dealing with WW2 and the consequences of the Great Depression), and pushed the world closer to global catastrophe in order to bankrupt an

Dude, no one cares. No one! Bye! Bye! Hit the bricks. You will not be missed. Go to ign, they welcome a fellow complainer. Go full HAM bout SJWs and PC police and to keep politics outta your video’ll get like 20 thumbs up from fellow people talking bout censorship. You’ll get many a virtual back rub from

I wonder if they ever design these call of duty games and ask themselves: “What will a non-american gamer think / feel about our story and characters?” Cus every one I’ve ever played (and I am not american), I gotta say many COD campaigns it feels like I am playing on the side of the bad guys, not the heroes. I’m

Carter. His administration didn’t get the results it hoped for, but it was fucking honest and honorable.

It’s a statement that has morphed with the times.


Hm. I’ve never thought about it in the dumbest possible way before, so thanks for opening up my eyes to that take.

The game opens with Reagan giving orders to a special ops team on January 9, 1981. The thing is, Jimmy Carter was President until January 20, 1981. I know it’s a fictional story in a game, but for some reason this really bothered me.

Reagan is a president who’s memory will inevitably get more and more tarnished over time because his only benefits were momentarily good feelings about patriotism while he robbed our country blind, let countless people die from AIDS, and enacted terrible (and outright illegal) foreign policies. Yeah, the 80's may have

It really is pretty amazing how many different kinds of graphs you can look at and say “Oh hey, see that section right there, where the lines go bad? That’s Reagan/Thatcher!”

Most people vastly underestimate how bad Reagan was.

They do devote a fair bit of time to trans men, the hatred just takes a different form with statements like “See, we don’t hate trans people, transmen (sp) are still welcome BECAUSE THEY’RE WOMEN”, spreading false nonsense about a "plague of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria"(not a thing that actually exists) "among girls

Now playing

There’s a Simpsons quote for everything

It should just all be Abstergo Office Space and have no historical shit. For lulz.

That’s actually a phrase used by sex workers themselves to try and dispel the exact same views you have right here.

When life gives you lemons and all that. Going public with the C&D and offering a mature apology was the best decision she could ever have made.

So go about your day and do something productive aside from bitching.”

Can’t find the other comic about why we should fight against hate speech.