
1) Sony legal is not Naughty Dog.

2) Nothing you posted justifies death threats to creators or actors, does it? 

To which we can of course reply: this ain’t a courthouse, Bellend isn’t going to jail.

I’m sure the trolls on this site will be coming to defend Béland with claims of “Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?”.

“SNK was acquired by a group of Chinese companies in 2015"

No, grandstanding within hours of someone’s death on a public forum then being shocked SHOCKED that someone would dare contact you for comment is a shitty thing to do.

It’s not harassment, it’s an email. They’re doing their jobs, dude. 

I too, hate media companies attempting to do the due diligence of verifying information before posting a story that might impact people’s lives.

Thank you very much! I could not figure out where the people vs women was coming from as I was only thinking about cis and trans women (and I really didn’t want to ask the question).

The problem is she’s expressed it in very cruel ways. See her “people who menstruate” tweet. It’s quite clearly mocking transmen. I don’t agree with the downright evil book burning cancel culture insanity, but I do see why people are so upset.  It’s puzzling she’s so cruel about it.

“She doesn’t seem to have a problem with trans women being women...”

I mean if you gave a shit about any political views, you wouldn’t be a centrist

“I think almonds taste bad” is an opinion I don’t agree with. “I think the Twilight film are good” is an opinion I don’t agree with. Objecting to recognizing the humanity of other people is not an opinion - it’s hate speech. And if you can’t tell the difference, then that says far more about you than it does about anyo

Wait, this is on Polygon’s front page! Can’t go there.

her public support of U.K. researcher Maya Forstater after Forstater lost her job for being “gender critical,”

Legitimate question: What’s a good alternative to Kotaku that’s not so full of these non video game related stories?

What is it with living in prolonged luxury and decadence from wealth that it gradually turns you into a monster?

Looking forward to reading the Executive Order cracking down on anti-conservative bias in video games or whatever this fucking idiot thinks is going to make it look like he still wins somehow.

Asking for a threesome is not an abusive statement. The problem isn’t the nature of the sex act. The problem is that Dariani was someone with immense power in the industry, and Ayala was someone who worked in that industry, and whose career could be seriously damaged if Dariani decided to get vindictive over her

What exactly do you think BLM is? It’s not a group you join... the employees who quit wanted a statement supporting the idea that black lives matter. No one is trying to make you join the Democratic Party or Catholicism. If you actually think that black lives matter take issue with saying that black lives matter

Who on this great big planet of ours is telling you to bend the knee to BLM, an organization? I support them the organization AND the ideals they champion, and I was never asked to do so.