I’m a bit of a cynic, but maybe this is to get people to trade in the exploitable launch consoles for ones with fixed hardware? This may be their way of fixing an unsolvable piracy problem...
I’m a bit of a cynic, but maybe this is to get people to trade in the exploitable launch consoles for ones with fixed hardware? This may be their way of fixing an unsolvable piracy problem...
Glad I saw this. Looks like I got my order in just in time. Getting for my wife for Xmas. She loves Spiderman (Gwen moreso) and commented about the game being exclusive to PS. I wasn’t planning on getting a PS4 since I have an orig Xbone and mainly play on PC. With Spidey out and Red Dead coming I made the jump. Wife…
Glad I saw this. Looks like I got my order in just in time. Getting for my wife for Xmas. She loves Spiderman (Gwen…
Seriously whatever ad you have playing with that loud music needs to stop. I have been coming here for years and years and dont complain much about anything site related. But this is freaking stupid.
Seriously whatever ad you have playing with that loud music needs to stop. I have been coming here for years and…
I read this in “Big Head”s voice
I read this in “Big Head”s voice
Got that Whole Foods $50 gift card. I essentially got myself $8.62 off of one block of cheese.
Got that Whole Foods $50 gift card. I essentially got myself $8.62 off of one block of cheese.
Well I use Ublock on the site because the adds drive me fucking bonkers, so I’m all for an non-intrusive way to support this site that I frequent daily. Plus Shep is a badass deal finder most time and has to deal with attitude daily, so maybe just chill the fuck out a bit...
Well I use Ublock on the site because the adds drive me fucking bonkers, so I’m all for an non-intrusive way to…
God forbid a free service try to make money.
God forbid a free service try to make money.
Who cares if they get money from it? More power to them. Ain’t costing me a penny.
Who cares if they get money from it? More power to them. Ain’t costing me a penny.