Antonym, mourning Va Va Get My Broom

It's designed to make the harassment of women on the street fine-able.

omg leave me some, you always take the good bits

apartheid was conducted under a minority white government (by a very long way). Minorities politically don't actually have to be minorities - it's just a minority of political/social capital held by the group.

That combo of hate watch and honest enjoyment is exactly how I feel about America's Next Top Model.


it actually makes a lot of sense to make "nightsoil" out of human waste, though. compostable diapering seems like a really great idea

I think the Chris Brown/Charlie Sheen thing has a lot more to do with racist representations of black men as thuggish and violent, though. I can't think of any white abuser or even accused abuser (Mark Wahlberg and Michael Fassbender come to mind) who's had as much negative publicity. Obviously what Chris Brown did

Ha, you're right on the money with that "shape" thing; that's exactly what my mum did when I had a thing for lunchables; just cut up cheese into convenient slices and put it in a weird configuration and I thought it was magical.

Because it's supposed to represent British culture now, not twenty years ago?

"Jerry from Hot Coffee, Mississippi says 'Die in hell, brazen whore!'"

hey, accept your ten episodes - by British standards that's incredibly generous =D

Omg you're so badass

oh my god best reference ever

well yes, but I think arrogance in young women is treated far more harshly than arrogance in young men.

yep it's londoner

sorry no, you're quite right. That's from Vancouver. I still like olympic graffiti though =D

I think they just went for a rhyme xD

ooh go on then one more.

wup don't forget

aaaand number two.