
how, exactly, does this justify a post? #wii

wait is this game suddenly ratarded 3rd person tower defense? #brutallegend

@Kobun: It is absolutely ridiculous. Some EA exec wanting to cash out his/her shares can be an 'anonymous source' and make up shit to a journalist. It's crazy!

@Klausaidon: i agree with you for the most part. however, with fallout 3 the broken steel expansion removing the ending and raising the level cap is bullshit. that should have been free DLC as it is essentially a must own to anyone who wants to play the game past the arbitrary nonsense sending. if you didn't

this is random, but the way mario is drawn in the picture on this post is awesome. it's just mario but he's all nose and mustache and awesome

i remember having carmen sandiego for dos and having to look up clues through the instruction manual. when i was a kid i thought it was just a cool way to immerse yourself in the game, now i realize it was just copy protection.

@bkchurch: YES this times 3920029. I'm not opposed to buying iphone games; i own 3. I have purchased about 20$ worth of other utilities and applications (t-pain app FTW), but like you said a 3" touch screen and tilt controls just aren't viable for anything I want to play. We need a credit card sized bluetooth

did you try a hard reset? Hold the home and power button down for like 10 seconds and it should restart the phone. a lot of times the phone will get all gummed up with background processes like safari and mail and this will free everything up.

controls seem like they're going to be tough to use. passing would be tough with your thumb covering 1/4th of the screen, etc. i feel like they'd need to slow down gameplay a lot. jury's out for sure, does EA put out light versions of their apps to demo?

@BirdMurder: Same here. I rented it on the strength of basically every site recommending it and made it to freeing the like, 3rd area of the game. It's just boring. Then again, I didn't like psychonauts (spelling?) so what the hell do I know right?

and it's only what, $35 or so? yeah, i'll pass.


@Gravy: we do love buying food in bulk. got me!

@Gravy: that doesn't even make sense. we like to buy our food in large quantities? you got me!

Hello, I go to UCF. We don't win football games, but we win our tailgates. I know everyone says this about their college, but we are honestly one of the hardest partying colleges in the country, and the only reason we aren't recognized for this is because our sports suck. I'm talking girls with camelbaks full of

oh GOD this is awesome/awful. all my fraternity brothers rock out on some golden tee, it's def. a drunk guy thing because you can just mush the trackball so hard the front of the machine lifts up and do ok.

@bobtheduck: You raise a good point. Publishers are probably loving the idea of digital dist. because it will cut down on the used games market that they don't get any money from.