
@Ueziel: Oh I mean it's not that big of a deal, I'm just expressing my (not unreasonable) opinion that in the future digital downloads will be the norm. Look at PC gaming, for example. Steam is a huge success and is digitally driven. Like you already said, sony is experimenting with the pspgo and they're a huge

@Ueziel: I read what miyamoto said like one of those old quotes about computers:

dwight howard was on there too the other day. by the way what the hell is rodger lodge doing on jim rome?

is scottsdale really that huge? i've been there before for a bidness trip and it was big, but i always was under the impression it was one of those boom towns that got hit by the housing market collapse. obviously microsoft knows more about demographics than i do, but still..

oohhh cool, the GM mode on the iphone that would synch up to your game would be freaking amazing. i have never even thought of that concept before, but that is brilliant. i have never pre ordered a game in my life, but if i got that with madden i'd be all about it.

@Fernando Paramo: lol, wut. i'd like to play a game based on that artwork in HD on a next gen system. i own a wii but plan on selling it around christmas when hopefully i can get a better price.. i bought into the hype, but i don't even like the 1st party games aand there's nothing exciting on the horizon to make me

@Gabe Newell the Fat Princess: I enjoy your username. Has anyone ever tried castle crashers online? It is really weird to play with random people as everyone has a different goal aaand it's too hard to grind exp to really do it effectively. It's a weird game, I wish they would have made the leveling quicker.

@crunks: i thought i was the only one.. i play earthbound at least once a year. it's like checking in on old friends.. i still cannot fathom why nintendo won't bring m3 stateside. i guess they keep it in their pocket in case they need to make a quick buck, but the fact that they let the fan translation go without

greatest games ever

@timedward: I agree dude. I've watched the trailers, gameplay videos, etc and it looks so aggressively average it hurts. I understand the atmosphere, blah blah but just from watching the previews I can tell how repetitive it's going to get. Jack black's whole 'OMG ROCK!' shtick (ha, firefox spell checks that) is

@EnigmaNemesis: Fiasco? Kobun said it right. EVERYONE knows what madden is. You're going to buy it every year, or you aren't.. 1 minute quarters is enough time to show off the gameplay (how much can it possibly have changed?) and updated graphics etc. They're putting out two demo configs to encourage preorders

@Strife Fox †: I don't even like the KOF fighting games, but it looks so pretty! I'll give it the ole one day rental.

@bonerland: touche sir. you nailed it. i hate that about all the gawker media blogs.. well except for the techie ones.

please continue on with this tag. i laughed so hard

god how creepy

better loot on the higher difficulty would be cool. i mean i haven't really gamed on an online rpg thing since diablo 2, but i remember hating not having an 8 person party because of the less experience / loot thing.

how do i go about 'streaming the torrent'? i am interested in watching- not interested in fighting out crowds of douchebags in affliction shirts to do so.

@BuddyGuyMontag: My guess is his status was tied to his twitter. he twittered it, changing his status, without actually logging in.