
I take offense to that youtube video of my knights flipping off Miami. First, they did that after a blatant early hit on a kick return by miami. Secondly, it's miami. They got in a brawl at home in front of 5,000 at risk kids. Pot calling the kettle black, etc.

Man, I remember rockbox on my Archos 30 gig brick mp3 player, waaaaay back in high school

@AlexLand: I just got the gmail / mail2web thing working well. I decided to make a filter to find messages that don't contain a random string of gibberish. Since they all get caught by the filter, I set it to mark the messages as read and be sent on to my mail2web account to be pushed over.

Got everything set up and working fine with entourage. I might find the email annoying (you get 2 emails, the mail2web one and the gmail one and it's sort of irritating) and just stick to using it for calendar synching.

Ouch Luke..

Thank god for lifehacker, once again. While this is certainly something I could have figured out on my own, just seeing it done made me think that maybe I should get rid of the over 3000 unread emails sitting in my inbox.

54k views? If kotaku follows the rest of the gawker pay-per view deal bashcraft is going to do pretty well this month.

Wait did I miss a OSX port of digsby? I check the website just about weekly because that's a pretty slick program.

I know this isn't the most constructive of comments, but wow what an iphone user.

Wow, great guide. I've been waiting for something like this.

No one's writing about how my knights almost upset texas!