
The 450,000 was how much Morocco was going to pay Argentina for 70 minutes of Messi.

Neither Dumbo nor any of the other animals—some CGI, some not, it’s hard to tell at times—ever talk, which allows Burton to sidestep the original’s most uncomfortable element, the scene with the crows.

How is the NFL not taking its substantial wealth and influence and backing Medicare For All? This seems like it would solve most of the player lawsuits.

Peacemaker is obviously a replacement for Katana, as he believes his helmet absorbs the souls of the people he kills.

The easiest way to understand Bernie Sanders is that he’s not interested in forming a coalition of diverse interests working together, but instead wants everyone to support his goals and assumes that everything will work great after that happens. Which is fine if you share his exact interests and goals — but he

There won’t be any talking animals. One of the clips had Dumbo inhaling a crow feather.

Now playing

To be fair, that was a pretty good video from the ancient times (four years ago).

Ace the Bat-Hound did not have super powers, but merely trained for years to be the best crime-fighter possible.

Well that’s bound to be the silliest idea for a pilot this go around. Now to finish reading the rest of the linked article...

The largest issue with Bandersnatch is that the three main pathways (video game/Black Mirror, alternate realities, and CYA randomness) do not interact in terms of who is driving the story.

“Gay” as a slur would not be associated with “acting crazy”.

follows the same route, stops at the same gas station, uses the same pump and makes sure always to end his purchase on a zero.”

“A Dog’s Way Home” gets the “Audience laughs at the trailer” award from when I saw it in front of Spider-Man. The trailer company probably should not have put in the ‘Dog befriends mountain lion’ and ‘Dog rescues person from avalanche’ scenes back to back.

The first one was fine. The second one was a bit bad but people thought that was because of how much of it was setting up the third movie.

The problem is that it’s repetitive. The only thing that makes the fights interesting is if the players recognizes the source material.

My complaints about World of Light—

There would be organized hunts of any of the large-scale dinosaurs that could threaten humans, probably encouraged by environmentalists who don’t want invasive species displacing the native wildlife. Or overeating the native plant life and not having any natural predators.

We hunt animals, we traffic them, we herd them, we breed them, we invade their territory and pay the price, but we don’t go to war with them. If that was the case, we’d have lost that war a long time ago.