
Fox and Friends did a segment on Alec Baldwin.

Checking movie calendars, and there now appears to be no movies going into wide release on the May 4th weekend.

He found a spot off of school grounds, but close enough to keep an eye on people going in and out of the high school. Armed with a handgun and AR-15, Cowan told NewsChannel 15 he is there to protect the students and ward off anyone who is a threat to their safety.

The scammers are paid per a track played (for a minimum of 30 seconds). There’s no advantage to having fewer songs, it’s just less work to set up. Having more songs probably let them evade Spotify’s flagging system — looping songs to generate revenue is not a new scheme.

Jurassic World 3: Now Part of the Dark Universe

Nope — part of the collective bargaining agreement is that players can’t receive non-salary cap money for coaching.

At the end of his first-ever appearance as Assistant District Attorney Rafael Barba on the 14th season of Law & Order: SVU, actor Raúl Esparza takes off his leather belt, hands it to a defendant in the jury box, and asks him to choke him with it.

So, while uncomfortable, the question probably needs to be asked: were our Olympians selected because they’re the best at what they do, or because they’re the best publicity for our current obsession with having one each from Column A, B and C?

Anyways, here’s a story about Texas schools struggling to handle the free speech rights of white supremacists posting fliers and threatening students.

The movie is not about police racism. The audience is told multiple times that Rockwell’s character tortured a black kid and is probably racist — with no one defending him during any of these statements. It’s one of the best/worst examples of “Show, don’t tell” when informing the audience on a character trait.

I just don’t understand how anyone thinks this is a good movie.

A cop throws someone through a second-story window in broad daylight, and the extent of his legal punishment is that he loses his job. Everyone around him continues to forgive him and tell him he’s a good man, he just has a few rough edges.

Is Paddington an adult, or do the British just not have separate facilities for juvenile offenders?

I am shocked by this revelation— I had no idea anyone cared about the Gong Show or that there was a remake.

I don’t know, I’ve heard rumors that the book is full of fanciful tales such as “Trump revealed an Israeli spy to the Russians, blowing a counter-terrorism investigation” or “Trump hosted an impromptu strategic session with the Prime Minister of Japan in the middle of a club’s dining room”.

Three Billboards was a bad movie. It had good acting — but the plot and writing of the movie was awful. The basic structure of the movie is the protagonists do terrible destructive things, then the supporting cast forgives them. Anyone who is not a protagonist is just a cardboard cutout there to support the

I’m old enough to remember when the conventional wisdom was that the FBI overstepped their bounds and attacked Hillary Clinton despite regulations preventing that. That this was so accepted that the Deputy AG could write a memo saying that it was a recommendation for being fired and everyone involved nodding in

“Al Franken was a brand new news story yesterday, and the president weighed in as he does on the news of the day often enough,” Conway told Fox News Friday morning. “The Roy Moore story is eight days old and the president put out a statement during his Asia trip on that. And since then, our press secretary has spoken

Trump sent the $25,000 check today, after reporters started asking questions.

When I think of “Judeo-Christian values”, the first thing that comes to mind is forcing people to say “Merry Christmas”.

No really, it is. It’s about as much of a tell as “I’m not a racist but...”