
You know how they say there’s always a Trump tweet?

There’s a speech tonight for the Alabama Senate runoff...

The rumor I’ve heard is that Collins is “leaning no” just to stay out of the spotlight — In every other way, she is a clear no (statements and that the GOP is not trying to get her vote) and voted against this nonsense earlier.

I suspect she just doesn’t want the abuse that would come from being a woman that is saving

The best part of the opening sequences is that it includes a “Drive a schoolbus out of a building missing a wall, over the sidewalk, into a gap in a bunch of other schoolbuses” part.

Maybe the linking thing is “fake right wing scandals” and the fault lies not with the candidates, but a media environment that promotes fake right wing scandals.

In which case, “But her emails” is important, as it calls out a media industry that elevates fake right-wing scandals such as “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth”

Things are going to end poorly for Jon and Dany because George R.R. Martin is writing a series about subverting fantasy cliches. The biggest one is that being a fantasy hero does not make someone a great ruler.

If you Google “Textbook definition of racism” it brings up Paul Ryan talking about Donald Trump.

But because he’s no misogynist, the so-called “American Bad Ass” also has tough words for “deadbeat dads,” whom he calls “ghetto glorifiers and gangster wannabes.”

Chrichton books pretend to be hard sci-fi, with a lot of graphs and documents and boring stuff to make them seem more realistic. But they are more airport thriller style books, but with a sci-fi twist instead of lawyers or the government.

What, you think people are going to excerpt the boring parts?

Do you know what the DNC does?

They weren’t though. Sanders attracted voters who were opposed to the Democratic party. They were never going to vote for the Democratic nominee.

The key tell here is that Pennsylvania had a closed primary, which meant that older voters who were registered with the Democratic party were forced to vote in that race.

Hillary Clinton and the DNC cheated Bernie Sanders.

I’m gonna hold my nose and vote for Hillary Clinton, a center-right corporatist and war hawk whose record and allegiances, where they are not actively hostile to most of what I care about most deeply in my capacity as a citizen, at best only happen here and there upon a fitful, accidental, momentary quasi-agreement

Does Mexico just forfeit all of its matches now or what? Their fans are going to chant on goalkicks...

This explains last season. I went 7-2-1 (with a winning streak to start off) and lose hundreds of SR to derank. Didn’t play for a long time — when I returned, my losses were worth -20 and my wins were worth +50.

“I have consulted with my lawyers.” “I would need a guarantee from Special Counsel Mueller.”

You need better lawyers.

Q And then is the President’s tax plan incorporated into this budget?

Yes. Without context, it’s b-roll footage of women at an event.

That excuse has been adopted by the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Jason Chaffetz.