Alex Ruthrauff

“I immediately noticed a strong odor of intoxicating liquor emanating from his breath...”

Who is the next Bill James who can go all Bill James on Bill James’s tired ass?

It’s just that WATCHING Nadal at his best is more impressive to the eye, because he’s obviously a complete beast. Federer is every bit as much a beast, but it doesn’t LOOK beastly.

“Just die on the mound like a man!”

someone help me, what is in his hair.

+1, and only 1, complimentary beverage

I feel we are on the same page now as well.

Obama never “took out law and order”; the Libyans did that and good for them. Obama simply saved civilians from having heavy weapons turned on them at their request. He also didn’t arm extremist groups; in fact he resisted Biden and Clinton’s call to arm the Syrian rebels - many would say wrongly, as it left Assad in

Could easily be GTE but due to some manufactures displeasure they won’t grant us a waiver to race in GTE until we sell 250 which will be a while...

Ve cannot let ze Soviets, errr, I mean, the Russians, win the Doomsday Device race! Beware the Doomsday Gap!

You beat me to posting exactly this.