I Already Don't Like You

I'm a pretty big comic book guy actually. I love this show. I'm just asking a justified question.

I want to talk more about how they just set up an illegal makeshift guantanamo. Isn't that a legal sticky situation? Who's caring for them? Feeding them? Rehabilitating them?

THIS. When I saw the C rating for this episode, my first thought was "In what world do we live in that this gets a 'C+' and SHIELD consistently gets B ratings." I'm sorry, the fanboy in me still hanging in there, but the only thing consistent about SHIELD is how surprisingly crappy it is (but apparently I'm a

Am I the only person who enjoys this show? I dunno, it's predictable at times, but pretty entertaining with a pretty strong premise. I do agree that they're going a bit overboard with the Poe, but it's not enough to turn me away. I mean, there's a lot of other mid-season dreck out there (Carrie Diaries anyone?), this

Keep Ames, Lose Ilsa.
Loving Ames, HATING Ilsa. She ruins the whole dynamic of the series. I mean they were underfunded, a little underground, kind of having misadventures, and you weren't sure what was going to happen each episode due to Chance's past. Now her money seems like a crutch, and even though she promised

hold on a moment. I take offense Rabin. You clearly haven't seen glimmerman. Then you will understand my awesomeness.

Just thought I would point out…he's no me Scott Tobias. I am the ultimate badass