
In the 40K universe, that AK is the size of a pistol... not even joking.

Unbeknownst to you, he's got the ultimate duck face going on under that helmet. So epic that if you saw it, your lips would shrivel up and fall off out of envy.

Damn, really? I got Giraffe... I must have messed up somewhere.

I was using Kaspersky for a year or two and it was great, but I got a virus shortly after it had run out :( My dad offered to pay for the repair and pick me up another year or two of Kaspersky, but the guy at Staples said he recommended Norton, so my dad - assuming the "tech guy" knew what he was talking about - paid

DAMNIT Dx Just when I only have 5$ left :( I needz teh cash 4 Dizonerd

Is it just me or does the fighting look substantially slower than Brawl?

HA! Over here in Alberta, Canada - and ever other province I've been to - Wendy's #6 has always and still is the absolutely perfect spicy chicken burger/sandwich! I always ask for the medium spicy chicken burger combo just in case though...

Someone suggested that they're for guided missiles. Normally, enemy humans would see them, but Godzilla's not human. I'd assume it's a big fking missile they're guiding.


Worst form of electronic music? If that's what you mean, then you really don't listen to electronic music. Some of that stuff is just.... well... there's absolutely no words to describe how terrible they are. Beside those kinds of electronic music, Dubstep is like Stairway to Heaven or Freebird or some other legendary

I'm a kid...

I'm sure it'd cost quite a lot of they wanted to mass produce it, but that's mostly because they'd need to buy the machinery necessary for that. If they wanted to make another, you're probably right that it'd end up being cheaper; it usually works that way every time.

STAHP DAT Q~Q You're making dying sound even worse than it already is!

I doubt it will come to consoles for a looooong time - if at all.

I'm kind of the same way with my friends. My brother bought a PC account for Minecraft, and he played a bit of Terraria on the PC when it first came out (cus I bought it and it could only run on his computer at the time). Only one of my friends actually

Even though they apparently poured $30,000 into making it? And are now selling it for just over half the worth?

How do you know it wasn't designed to be held the same way paintball players hold their guns?

I just imagined a dildo painted in the design from 1:25 in the video...

I think the difference is that the woman in the video was walking quickly. The woman in the Ryse video was walking at a suuuuper slow pace.

Didn't she also dye it blonde?

Why? O.o I play it all the time