
I'd say something more like Company of Heroes with the whole cover system and real-time gameplay (not turn-based), but with individual characters and the camera angles like XCom.

That's not far from the truth. I only ever lock my door if I'm away from home. Someone I know doesn't even have a lock on their front door...

I travel a lot to friends houses with my 360. Also, back before I got a second PS3, I used to have to carry it back and forth from my basement where I play games to the upstairs living room where I watch movies (and sometimes games) and then back again. My upstairs entertainment set up is very... limiting. I can't

Hey. You called it. Jubilee just got fired xD

Just imagine that paint scheme on this bad boy!

HAHAHA. FUCK YOU. I called it -.- A couple weeks ago, I was talking to my brother and I said "You know what would be terrible karma for the PS4? A Red-Ring-Of-death type issue. The perfect 'in your face' problem imaginable. God... I hope it'll happen so us Xbox people can use that whenever someone brings up the RRoD

Eh, they probably didn't care too much. They sold out when they came to my city. Filled our hockey arena even though the tickets were a couple hundred per person for what might as well be the nose-bleed sections.

Mmmm. You sure showed them. IF they saw you, they probably thought you were going to buy a drink or something.

I'm 21 and I love Fleetwood Mac! But hey, he can go his own way.

I absolutely love that gif. It always pleases me.

"And a group without a healer is doomed to wipe."

Anyone who plays an MMO knows this! It's an overlooked position. When you realize how vital they are, you're screwed without one!

Yea, someone mentioned the song name so I looked it up on Grooveshark.

Hmm... it's not as interesting as I thought it would be xD Not my kind of music.

I don't listen to Prince - never have except for the odd song on the radio - so I wouldn't mind a link to the particular song you're referencing.... for science.

With the experiences I've had in the fantasy/medieval games or even MMO's, they can be just as bad as FPS games a lot of the time.

Well, of course! I'm just suggesting a possible idea as to why the majority of said groups tend to prefer these games to others. I also didn't mean to insult anyone when I said they don't have romance arcs in them; I've heard lots of people from the LGBT community complain about the lack of representation in certain

I'd imagine a lot of women and people from the LGBT community play these games because they don't have romance arcs and you're not restricted to a certain gender. I don't know if that's the exact reason but it makes sense.

It doesn't really matter if the writing's good or not; the point of what I was saying was that it's a fucking miserable experience. It lifts you up and then gives you a paralyzing potion, breaks all of your bones, cuts you in all the most painful places without killing you, then eats you from your toes up. All while

Misery incarnate? Guess you've never read Gantz... Attack on Titan was child's play compared.

The robot's gun's sounds were a little lackluster in my opinion :( That and the slightly odd movements at the faster-paced scenes were the only real drawback from it. To be honest, I loved it and I DEMAND MOAR!