
God, I read that and cringed D: The third guy just jumped out from behind a bush without questions x.x

Because apparently if a kid gets a low mark on a test, the parents can sue the school and win. I think I've heard something about that being done before....

Except Steam Machines have a better cost for what you get...?

I was going to comment on this because of that Dinosaur Planet thing... I've never even heard of the game. Guess it totally WAS better! :V

How about "That's the last time I say 'Watch this!'"

You can do that in GTA V too xD It' such a weird feature but makes it a tad more realistic.

Of everything I read, that was probably the only part of it that I'll remember. I wonder if that means he was given the job by someone else who had taken on the job from another man who went by that alias?

Too easy?

My girlfriend just wanted X because Xerneas is blue and that's her favourite colour, while I wanted Y because - like you said - Yveltel looks too badass to pass up!

I honestly never thought of it that way xD She wanted X because the legendary for it is blue and I just wanted Y because the legendary for it looks badass!

I'm getting Y and my girlfriend's getting X :D We can't wait for the game!

If the characters are limited to main/popular characters, I don't want one about Yoda. To me, Yoda is this mysterious, all-powerful being and I want it to stay that way.
Now, Chewbacca and Han-Solo (before the movies took place) would be an interesting one. Chewbacca could easily be played by anyone but Han-Solo is

3 hours and you're only ONLY 80%?

If I was downloading it, I would only be at 10%.... I hate my internet :(

I think it's a waste of time and that they should have just spent their time doing something more useful... but then I laugh at myself and say "People are awesomely retarded and I like it."

The comic made a big deal about it, whereas the show... from what I've heard, not so much. I think at the end of season one, someone told the main character, but the viewer doesn't figure out what that guy told Rick until later on in the show.

If it's going to be anything like the comic (I haven't actually watched the show), I laughed at your comment.

Also; they're already just delaying the inevitable. They are already all dead. That's why they call it "The Walking Dead."

I think this should be common knowledge. It sucks trying to get a lug nut out with a short tire iron :( After one of my swim team's practices quite a few years back, the coach's tire went flat and she needed some help from us to remove the damn thing. Well, a group of 8 or 9 teenagers aged 13-16 can't help much when

Cardboard or carpet remnant you can place under tires for traction in the snow.

I think Skylar's going to kill/seriously injure Jesse and in his anger, Walt will kill Skylar. Too much of a stretch? Walt picks up traits of people he kills. Example? Lots. Back in season one, Crazy 8 preferred his bread without the crust. After Walt killed him, he started cutting the crusts off his bread. Another