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I call mine a satchel. Indiana Jones has one. To prove it, I have a Lego Indiana Jones figure strapped to it.

Also, Murse is the next best name because reason.

I know, right? o.o I'm turning 21 in less than a month and I'm looking so forward to X and Y :D POKEMON4LIFE!

I got the giggles after reading the first 4 comments in this thread xD I don't know why, but I can't stop!

I have never been a GTA fan and I only played the 4th one for about 5 hours total, so I wasn't too excited about GTA V. Then my friends started going crazy for it... posters... videos... status updates... Now I'm actually interested in it o.o My birthday's a week after the release but my brother says he's going to

I did that in Morrowind :D As soon as I got far enough to make my own magic spells, that's all I did xD

Including Black and White, there's only 649. Before Black and White, there were 493. Now, of those, how many are stupid/lame/retarded ideas for pokemon? I have no exact number, but I agree that a lot of newer pokemon are bad ideas; there are quite a lot of newer pokemon that are awesome though! You just have to fish

I bought my Razer Naga (2012, I believe) because of the 12 buttons on the side, but having used it for a good half-year now, I can safely say that I love it because of the ergonomics and the exchangeable sides. It's nice and responsive and feels so nice to click and touch and use!

I have a group of 8 or so friends that have epic nerf gun fights and hilariously awesome foam sword battles in my backyard :D So much fun! We're all 18-20 too... That stuff never gets old.

This kid I know looked like he was about to cry when I told him he could breed the animals and what the word "breeding" meant.

I hadn't heard of Game Grumps until a few months ago but I had been watching Two Best Friends for a looong time! Mat and Pat just have a raw feeling in their lets plays that gives off the sense that you're actually sitting down and watching some friends play. My brother always has one of their episodes playing on his

Beeecauuuse some TV shows are fucking amazing? Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Mentalist, Criminal Minds, Supernatural... There's a ton of good shows that make passively sitting worth your while. Well. At least in my opinion.

The Xbox One got SO MUCH BETTER in my opinion! I'm actually going to buy it when I have enough money saved up! You're forgetting about us people who have absolutely shit/no internet connection because we live in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere! I wouldn't be able to do a lot of things that required the cloud because

I LOVE THIS NEWS! I don't care what others are saying about "ohh, they're just doing this to please everyone." GOOD. GOOD FOR THEM. IT'S WORKING. I'm now completely willing to buy the new Xbox! And I know when I tell all my other friends tonight, they'll be in the same boat. This is fantastic news!

How would it hurt? Sure, it takes some getting used to, but there's no pain at all while sitting on a wallet of any size (I have a nice big thick one that's like a pillow when sat on). Now if you're talking about these aluminium wallets, they'll probably be a little uncomfortable to sit on.

Never heard of a furry before?

OR, you can stop trying to be offensive and actually think of the possible non-offensive ways of asking. Example "my eye-sight's not too good, what's your nationality?" Asian, Caucasian, African, yada yada. If it's a driver like in the original DS version, he could say something along the lines of "I can't really get

Being a furry, I would love to play as an animal. At least having the option of animal or human would be cool! Also, just imagine being able to make your own tattoos or skins! Like... spots on dogs and whatnot. That would be so cool!

In the original game, your character had horns... does that count?