
Juuuuust gonna toss this out there: They weren't just some $20 freebies; they were full fledged AAA games, some of which still cost $60. The reason people would rather use this way instead of pirating is because with Origin, you'll be able to get updates whenever they are officially released and all you have to do is

"...and get mad every time I see someone using an overpriced laptop with a hip logo on it. "

"Also anything that involves killing zombies. I can't get enough of training for the coming zombocalypse."

Haha, I don't have a job, but I would at least wear it to casual friday if I did. I wanna get a three piece suit cus they look so awesome, but sadly, I cannot pull off the look.

"Admittedly, one isn't going to be parading this armour out on the street like a Prada suit."

Tossin' the little lady!

Yea, they did have separate ammo. It was glorious. Now, they're one and the same and I'm a bit saddened by it, but whatever. My three favourite gun brands are Jakobs, Vladof, and Maliwan. I avoid Dahl with a passion because I can't stand the burst fire (except on snipers), and Hyperion is usually one I avoid too

I spent the past few nights playing Zork... Maybe I don't need to get Dishonoured if I have that amazing text adventure game :D

Yea, I wasn't very amused when I found out that they didn't have any codes left... and I bought two copies of the Xbox version too. Whatever. I'll ask about it anyways and if they don't do anything, then I'll just buy points cards and go in with the mindset that I'm helping Gearbox by supporting them with more money :P

My brother went in and asked if they got new DLC code cards in, but they said the head office wasn't going to be sending anymore. So I guess I'm shit outa luck. I'm going in to buy a points card tomorrow so I can buy the Mechromancer and Seasons Pass, so I'll ask about it anyways.

I did double check my receipt though just in case and it's true, it's not on it anywhere.

I mentioned that to my brother and he said that that's only in America. In Canada, we still use the cards. fml.

Or if you're like me, you pre-order from Gamestop and then they give your pre-order code to someone who didn't pre-order the game. Fucking christ >.> If anyone doesn't want their code, I'll gladly take it. Otherwise, I'm going to be getting it, but not with a smiley face.

I don't like guns that shoot slowly, so I usually go with Jakobs over any other brand. God damn guns can shoot like nothing else! The only problem is accuracy... Make sure you carry something with decent accuracy for if you need a second wind.

There's a few Loaders and Nomads that can resist Shock. Probably others, but that's only what's coming to mind atm.

Some people make fake trailers for movies. But yea, I hope so too.

Now playing

And, if you don't believe me, here's a 10 minute video on the history of and a bit about the franchise and the 5th movie:

As I was reading through the comments, I noticed this. I laughed because it was pretty much my reaction. Then my brother came down and showed me a trailer for a new Die Hard movie and I did this again, but even more exaggerated.

Or, you know, you can just save your money and wait patiently...