
What the hell is wrong with you?

Stop being such a xenophobic bigot.

I'm crying with laughter! That was one of the funniest things I've ever read on Kotaku! Thanks so much for this story!

I never had this problem... but then again, I'm playing it on my tv and I'm about 10-12 feet away from it.

I knew he was short, but not THAT short o.o

But what would the exchange rate be like? If it's too weird, people might be giving their kids gold pieces as allowance and after a while, copper pieces will become like the north american penny; old, unused, costs more to make than it's actually worth.

I watched this video and thought Ace of Spades was better. It's free too, which adds to the awesome.

Nevermind. I uninstalled an extension that I had a feeling was causing the problem and it worked after that.

Is anyone else getting the problem where the description of the skill is extremely far from the mouse and it goes off the screen? I can't read Axton's Survival skills or any of his higher ranked ones because the description goes off the page :(

What the hell did I just watch D:

Gantz is an amazing manga! If they made a game of it, they could have multiplayer too ._. probably not like the typical pvp thing, but a horde-mode style thing could totally work really well! I love Gantz :D

"And, in many ways, the opposite is true too. Thinking back on Halo 2 on Legendary, Jackal snipers could kill you as you turned a corner before you even realized they were there. That's not a measure of my skill as a gamer, but rather a case of the game becoming so hard that it breaks many of its underlying mechanics."

I dunno what the hell he's from but I like the stilts ._. they're awesome

I WANT IT D: Mike, buy it for me! I'm Canadian; there's your reason! <3 u Mike <3333

Hugh Jackman should be Snake... And Clint Eastwood should be Big Boss. Clint Eastwood looked almost identical to what Hugh Jackman looks like right now when he was younger, so it could totally be possible!!!

That's because in America, they eat shitty foods and drink pop while they play (not accusing, I'm Canadian and I do it too), and in the asian countries, they don't eat or drink, they just play. That's why they're so skinny and also super good ._.

Never heard of this game before but now I really want to support it ._. TIME TO GOOGLE THEIR SITE! Must. Support. Awesome ideas.

I stopped reading it after chapter 50 or 60 ._. I got distracted with a shiny new laptop that ran every game I played faster than I could imagine, so I put manga off to the side. I should really get caught up in Billy Bat... one of my favourite conspiracy mangas :D well... the only one... but it's very good :D

X12's? Nah, the black ones are amazing quality and you'd have to throw it at the ground rather hard to break them. I've been using mine for almost a year and I swear by them. Sturdiest headphones I've ever used. I also listen to all kinds of music "too loud" (my mom always tells me to turn it down even if she can't

I use the Turtle Beach X12's. They are rather good quality compared to the headphones I've used in the past - they are durable (I can't tell you how many times I've accidentally knocked them off my head and watched as they hit the floor with a loud 'thunk') and they stay tight to your head (almost a year later, and