
"Now, I'm all for equal opportunity so I think a booth should stand out and have half naked ripped dudes. I honestly think if a booth did that, they'd get the media attention they are looking for."

"It's rumoured to be a launch title for the durango..."

The Covenant that you fight are Heretic Covenant. Like... from Halo 2. Read about it and you'll find out that I'm right :D

And watch both at the same time?


"Its probably been Microsoft's biggest success of the show."

*cough* Diablo III *cough*

"The way i see it, 343 has approached it from the best possible angle.

Don't worry, I started with Inheritance (the 4th Eragon book) but I stopped reading it for Cryptum, but stopped reading that for The Hunger Games. I finished the first HG book then started the second but stopped reading that for the Starship Troopers book I found on a shelf in my basement. Then I realized that I have

"Why are Cortanas boobs sagging? o.O"

"In BF3 the experience it's somewhat different. You don't unlock things as faster, but you feel more rewarded if you suck, as in "I couldn't get a high k/d ratio but I captured a lot of flags in Conquest"."

I was talking to a friend today about this and he said "Yes Halo does have better graphics, but what those people are probably talking about when they say otherwise is the realism of CoD:BO2's graphics. They [the CoD characters] are camouflaged and coloured to the environment that they are fighting in. In Halo, they

I've seen better graphics than COD:BO2 from people on IMVU who pay to have their stuff put in the catalog. Seriously.

Stupid man trying to act all cool-like. "I didn't get scared. I didn't cry like a little girl when babies tried to kill me. I didn't sob when I died in a very VERY depressing way. I didn't... I didn't...." -cries-

Can someone please tell me why a lot of people are saying CoD:BO2 has better graphics than Halo 4?

Just putting this out there: I was the first person to demand stickers on the forum thread that they made asking for suggestions. Seems like they read it and thought it was a good idea. So for everyone who got the loot chest edition.... you guys can thank me for that. (and maybe send me some if you don't want em....)

It's been said in the books that Forerunner are slightly human in looks. My internet is as slow as a slug at the moment, so I haven't watched the video yet....

This scene in the movie is, without a doubt, the best scene from a movie ever.

"in about twelve seconds."

Yes. I wonder why they went back to 4 face buttons....