Yes! That whole Fox Confessor album really does a number on me.
Yes! That whole Fox Confessor album really does a number on me.
Yes to This is the One. Such a good builder, that song
Yes! God dammit that glorious happy chorus
God damn I love Waiting Room
I'm okay!
South Floridian here. Matthew skirted by off the coast. My house never lost power, which is a god damn miracle. Looks like Cape Canavaral and north might get it worse than us. Regardless, Vanilla Ice is a ding dong.
That show just destroys me.
I always forget about that movie until it comes on TV somewhere and I watch that shit and cry because that god damn kid is so cute.
Oh I was definitely one of those teenage girls that was bonkers for Depp in this show. I distinctly remember when Cry Baby came out, being super excited, and then really not understanding what was happening with that movie. It took me a few years to finally get with the program and that is easily one of my favorite…
Psh, amateur.
Oh man, I really like Sunshine.
I gave up on AHS after the trainwreck that was Freak Show and didn't watch the Hotel season. But because I'm a sucker, they piqued my interested with the secretive nature of what this season was supposed to be about. I have it DVR'd but haven't watched it yet. Is it worth watching? I feel like I'm totally going to…
Poor doomed Thrall.
I play a priest and am currently playing Disc for questing/PVP and Holy for healing dungeons. I've basically been trying to divvy out artifact power evenly between my two weapons, and it's been working mostly okay. Now I'm trying to give quest rewards to my Disc weapon and dungeon rewards to my Holy. It'll probably be…
Very curious to see what happens to certain characters now that Chris Metzen just announced he's retiring.
You spelled Community wrong.
I've seen bits and pieces of it. My main issue is that it promotes itself as "hey look at me eat all this weird shit. I'll just eat anything!" and something about that just rubs me the wrong way. He might be a great guy but I still don't think he needs to eat all the things. Something about food as sport just…
I guess my thing is, do humans have to be the assholes that eat every god damn thing that crosses our path? I'm sure there is a villager who really needs to rely on yak faces to survive and feed his family, but then there is stupid Andrew Zimmern who is all, "look at me I'm eating a yak face!" You don't need the yak…
less eaty, more tv.
milk and eggs, bitch.