
I really loved that they even have Tyrion spell out what it means with his throwaway comment "Well, we won't be leaving for Westeros soon!" To me, It didn't feel like him just stating the obvious, it felt like the writers having to remind the viewers that was even a plan.

Laughed pretty hard at that.

It does leave it open to interpretation doesn't it? I agree there's a deliberate vagueness, and I really can't tell if he's dead or not for certain, but I'd like to believe he's alive somewhere. Perhaps retreating to the Night's Watch, since he was too injured to help Brienne look for Sansa and fight for himself.

It wasn't necessarily a random spot though, it was specifically where Dany was taken, obviously, but why it stood out enough for them to inspect the patch of grass, is because it was the untouched centre piece of where clearly hundreds of horses had been circling around quite recently. I agree just looking at the

Upon rewatching, the sand-snakes that remained at the harbour to watch the boat as it left the port, were not the same sisters that would later kill Trystane. I'm not good with their names because they're the most glossed over characters, but it does beg the question how the two sisters on the boat, and whether or not

Theon confessed they weren't her brothers, but only farm boys. And yes, Ramsay had told him he killed Rickon & Bran before that so she knew.

They could have at least shown another boat in the water at SOME point. Ugh. I hope lazy writing doesn't become thematic for the rest of this season.

How were the sand-snakes on the ship with Trystane? Could somebody please explain to me what happened there?

Lmao, their friendship is everything I wish I could have. This was definitely one of the greater episodes of season three, for me.

Wait, do you think Howard wasn't in on it? Because that would be interest if Chuck was faking out him as well, and if that has any ramifications.

So the title, Klick is the distance Mike's target was, and also the sound the tape recorder makes. I love that, there's always a dual meaning. (I have more to say about the episode than just that, but I just put that together right now lol.)

Totally agree, thought the same thing!

Holy shit, that's some really clever insight. I think we will see Dale in the future now!

I guess Kim has officially joined the pride.

Chuck being pushed through a mental ward by Jimmy after his little tumble: Mediocrities everywhere.. I absolve you… I absolve you… I absolve you.

I noticed that too!! I'm glad someone else did :D

Great video! I personally got the impression that Chuck was only going to that length of "retaining" Mesa Verde because of how anxious he was from being in this building just radiating with electricity, next to people who haven't grounded themselves, and he couldn't conduct in a professional manner properly as a

Been following you guys since season two of Better Call Saul began, and you're both a lot of fun. Both of you have an original interpretation on some of the symbolism and meaning in the show and an accurate grasp on the characters, and it makes for deeply entertaining observations and discussion.