Alex M

Nobody understands you, do they? I mean, line, nobody GETS you. You're too real. You're just too REAL for this basic basic world. #machiavelli #fringe #everythingsucks

Do you know what else bothers me? The motherfucking tongue thing.

"They're my homies."


Considering it is a steel frame bolted to support girders rated for several thousand pounds? I'm going with yes. If you are having sex that can break that, I would be amazed, but jealous, too.

Can you really have vigorous sex on that thing without it collapsing 6' to the floor?

Yeah, pretty much. I have to put sandbags around my lawn on a pretty regular basis thanks to blowjob flooding. It's really a pain.

Not sure what that has to do with anything beyond teaching your child basic hygiene.

I will say this for Kate Middleton - if I had to get dressed in actual human clothes and take my newborn out to a screaming throng of people and reporters merely 24 hours after giving birth, I'd just be crying into a pint of ice cream. Shit, I don't think I even managed pants for the first two weeks. She is a brave

Oh, good. Fox and Friends needed something to masturbate over this week.

People look so hard for racism and sexism in things that they have to project those ideas where they don't exist. The region she is in is very advanced but they do have slaves. The sad fact of war is that even today people are subjected to rape by the victors. The violent culture represented by the Dothraki is more

I can't help but feel that this whole argument of how "racist" that scene was is really contrived. So, it's okay for a fictional story to be based on historical medieval times as long as it's white people with white servants but as soon as we get into the subject of the other continent having people of another skin

The Dothraki live in the you expect them to be pasty and pale? What about Xaros Xhoan Daxos? A very prominant black man who rose to wealth and power in the very same land where the Dothraki are roaming. And Jason Momoa is from Hawaii for the record.

Please. You probably reckon LotR was also racist because the orcs were played by Maori actors.

To everyone coming here specifically to say, "ANDROID HAD THIS NOT NEW": Did you attend other kids' birthday parties when you were younger specifically to see which toys or games they got, so you could spring forth and shout, "I had that months ago, you're clearly inferior and your parents are poor"? Were you...

Not gonna lie, emitted total nerd squeals of delight because we got to see Smaug.

Aw crap. I can't help myself, I'm excited for this.

And that is sad if it is the United States' biggest public transportation infrastructure project ever. What we need is a complete redux of amtrak.