
I did this once. I was playing Super Mario Bros. Deluxe on my Game Boy Advance when I was a kid and my parents wanted me to come out on the dock with them. I grudgingly went outside, all the while playing my GBA and walked clear off the seawall.

Really? It takes my photos no time at all to upload and I always upload in high res.

Jarrod is right, Etymotic has 3 types of eartips, not all of which come with every type of earbud (despite being compatible). They have 2 sizes of triple flange eartips, a foam roll-between-your-fingers-to-compact-and-expands-in-your-ear type, and a regular ball/tip thing, which I think also come in 2 sizes.

Hah. Haha. Hahahahahaha.

Oh, my where can I find this? I have his "why printers were sent from hell" poster over my printer, but where is the Brother rant?

Agreed. I want so much for it to succeed but it just can't seem to really get going, and Google doesn't seem to want to change it.

He's going to be Google's scapegoat so they can blame it on him if they kill it off.

Damn, you beat me to it.

What an amazing deal! Do you accept Western Union wire transfers?

I hope not because I haven't bothered to buy anything with my .EDU account since the discounts aren't that great! Should I run out and buy an iPod cable with my .EDU account now then? Heh.

But the mega-pixulz! I can compare them with cameras that also have mega-pixulz! And make a informed decision based on the numburz! I also want the memory card with the bigger GEE-BEES.

Heh, it took me a second to see what you did there. Now that I noticed the order of your integer and operator, I lul'd. You've earned yourself a well-deserved heart-click.

My favorite is when I switch my 35S to Algebraic mode for these types and they're still too retarded to understand that [ENTER] is the [=] key. My extra favorite was when this truly dumb girl couldn't figure out that x^y was the exponent key because it didn't look like the upward facing carat (^) key on her TI. ಠ_ಠ

I've never used an HP 84-series, or any HP graphing calculator for that matter, but I can definitely vouch for the efficiency of RPN. Since the day my 35S came in the mail straight from HP I've been in love with it. So much more efficient and logical. (I've now come to own and love 2 15C LE's as well.)

You know what I think is 200% faster? A calculator that uses RPN. No using the clumsy Ans() or Previous Answer key, no scrolling, just a rolling stack of numbers and operators that perform the function rather than waiting for a [=] command.

Hmm, she's pretty good looking. Without clothing that is, otherwise meh.

Apple Corp. is The Beatles' production company. Apple Inc. is the Apple I think you're annoyed at. And yes, there have been many legal battles over the name.

I agree they are tasty. I prefer Mexican Fanta personally, but the Coke is good too. I know I can find both at my local Walmart at $0.98/bottle (since it has *tons* of Hispanic customers and employees). Otherwise if I'm not in town, I found a Walgreen's near my parents' house that carries Mexican Coke at 2/$2.

If AT&T and Comcast are going to whine and moan about increased security stifling innovation, perhaps they should try their hand at *innovating.*

That's not exactly innovation, though, that's more like reducing the levels of price gougingtheir customers.