Alex Martinez

I’m a Born and bred New Yorker, The best coffee bar none, IMO is usually found at street carts for only 2dollars for an XL, found all around Manhattan, specifically, the ones that do it year round. It doesn’t matter if it’s 100degrees or subfreezing and they’re out there and not only that, they’ll remember your order

Touting it being more secure while it ships with a 0day exploit?

Hey, Lana.



You've just stepped into the Danger Zone.

Beautiful, it kind of reminds me of the 'Resurrection Ship' from RDM's Battlestar Galactica, well if it were sold in black (or espresso)

Carbon Copy Clone .... I don't think that was in last years writeup


No the article said it was a .22 cal (assuming .22LR) loose bullet, that was set off when the weight crushed the primer setting off the bullet, wether he had it for a rifle or .22 pistol doesn't matter.

Yes it is very clever, the page even changes the state under the logo to match where you are. Very cool use of code.

@twoonefive And smartphones were around long before Apple... but apple needs to sue anyone who's a competitor.

They obviously never tested a New Yorker. While we are generally apathetic we know something dark is looming. Never fun living in a bullseye.

This job is recession proof

On Odyssey 5 — it's Peter 'Robocop' Weller not Paul Weller


@∞Gîmmî∞: Being Human at the very least deserves to be on SyFy (I miss SciFI) ... Unlike Marcells Quantum Kitchen.

@Sweet_Zombie_Jesus: you can go to any gawker site (io9,gawker,etc) and instead of type and it's the original look and feel.

Bullet Tooth Tony: You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity

I am very happy that Jane Badler will be back as "Diana" (well sort-of) on "V" but was extremely thrown back when Producer Steve Pearlman did not know what "Red Dust" was, when asked in the Q&A portion of the panel, after he spoke about Red Sky/Rain.