Stormageddon- Dark Lord of All

I believe they've mentioned on the forums that horns will basically be the Qunari version of hair, so you're going to get the choice if you want horns or not.

No, unfortunately I can't take credit for this, it is pretty freaking awesome. The credit goes to someone named Tsundre on Neogaf.

This is what I'm going to put on mine so I can keep the style the same between games.

Dear god no. PS1 is extremely easy to emulate (relatively speaking). Heck a lot of smart phones can run PS1 games decently.

The reason you are kind of forced into using a 360 controller Is because Microsoft changed their development environment to use the xinput.dll (the file 360 and logitech controllers use for their instructions) rather than directInput (like it used to use use). Developers just check the default xinput for input rather

Nope, that's a desktop Hard Drive. You need a 2.5 inch Laptop Hard Drive

Obviously the major gaming site was Kotaku and now they're using it for page clicks!

so if this just came out today... what the hell did I download like 3 weeks ago?

The funny part about that is you only being able to imagine a guy begging to a girl is just as much a stereotype as anything in the letter. I don't really think the letter is sexist at all, rather people are just projecting sexism into it.

If you have little kids? I'm hoping to get that game myself for christmas!

Well I'm hoping for actual snow. If hoth is used, that is.

I kinda want to change my PSN name, but since Sony doesn't let me do that, I'll do the next best thing.

I'm thinking of setting up a facebook page just for psn so I can change my name and use whatever picture I want, but under no circumstances do I see myself using my real one.

I'm not gonna lie, I've always wanted some kind of dodge. running someone out of harms way because they're low on health only to have them get killed by the guy 10 feet away swinging a sword was the most annoying thing I can think of from DA:O.

So you just have to make a facebook account with your prefered name and voilà

So what is sony's reasoning behind charging for PS+? I always thought the dev and/or publisher supported the servers for multiplayer.

I had tow of those, and the x buttons broke on both within a month. I haven't bought a logitech controller since

I know. After the first one I really wanted them to explore the fact that the ISA were breeding half helghast like Hakka so they could infiltrate the Helghast.

I use the bathroom a lot, that seems to help.

I understand bots suck and all that, but why the hell do Blizzard get money from the bot maker? It's not like bots damaged anything but a tiny bit of balance; nothing that actually caused massive problems like server crashes or something, right?