You forgot a wiggity
You forgot a wiggity
It's because they're pushing the systems too hard on the graphics end. Look at Black Ops 2, If you play with three or four players in split screen the framerate drops to <20fps. I'm not saying its a good excuse since I miss couch coop alot since I have sketchy internet, but its the excuse the devs are using.
You gotta get a new one, I spent about 6 months chipping away at stuff until I finally broke down and just installed a 500 gig, made life so much easier.
Actually most of the people who do go on shooting sprees are not gun owners. The guns are often either stolen or taken from friends or family.
It's more that all three are on the same plane, even though in reality they orbit at different altitudes
I guess the main thing that gets me is that it's the only way to transfer pokemon. They're taking away a game mechanic that some people like, myself included, and are having us pay to separately for something that, if they were to offer it free, would cost them nothing compared to the profits they are going to make…
I don't think it's that reasonable at all, since not only are you storing a relatively small amount of data, it's also the only way to transfer your pokemon to the new gen.
Wait, liking Crystal Castles and having a beard and glasses makes me a hipster? Damn, now i gotta start hating on myself.
Yeah watch 'em all and eventually you get most of the picture. PBS used to have Al jazeera, BBC, and some japanese news network on right after the normal news broad cast. It was really interesting to see other countries takes on stuff. Also they seemed to have a lot more news in their news.
According to the dark corners of the internets, the ISO is about 1.7 gigs, so I'd assume it would be a bit smaller.
Welcome to console exclusives? They've been around for a while now...
Man, you're lucky then. I feel like I'll be indoctrinated by Fox eventually since it's the only thing that's on the TV in the break room at work
So who was actually in charge in between the old guy leaving and this guy, cause them I liked.
Hasselbeck is actually employed by Fox News after she got kicked off the View
There's always the possibility of him being a ghost. They count on the Marauders Map, if I remember correctly.
Hahahaha... only 5-10 MBps. I get about 300 kBps. currently waiting 80 min. for the Killzone patch.
Did you ever play the first PSP one? That was the one where Kratos actually kinda felt like a hero since he decided to save the world rather than have his own happiness. It basically made me decide to stick with god of war.
Well this headlines fine cause that was monumentally stupid on the part of the NRA, but the overall of the (I can't believe I'm going to say this and not be a part of this group) uber-left people does seem rather hypocritical. The one thing no one can deny is that all of the mass murderers were severely messed up…
This was just pathetic. Instead of making an actual, sound argument as to why we shouldn't enact more gun control laws, the NRA came out like little pansies yelling "Hey look over there" while they try to run from the problem. I feel like this will do nothing but hurt their case. Hell, I'm against more gun control and…
Sounds like you got a lot of people who were rocket glitching. I'm pretty sure its been patched, not to mention people were getting banned for it not to long ago.